The story of Yuri part 4

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(hey guys so here's part 4 of the story of Yuri for those of you wondering I had nothing else in mind to name the title so that's why it's called "the story of Yuri" because I did not have any imagination then. I still don't. Lol. Anyways enjoy! And I'm not sure what might happen but warning maybe some kissing and murder attempts and blood mentions and stuff like that, anyways, enjoy!)

Yuri's POV:

Was I dreaming? Or did I actually see Stella standing in my house. Why would Stella be in my house? I never even gave her my address. I mean I was going to but she broke up with me before I could. "Stella?" I ask, she then turned back, flinching, and looking at me. "Oh Yuri it's just you, hah, thought it was your mother for a sec." She says. " mom's at work right now and won't be home until a while after 10 pm..why are you in my house..?" I ask. "Oh well, I wanted to talk" Stella says. I got a bad feeling. If she wanted to talk, she could have just unblocked my number and texted she wanted to meet me, instead of somehow going into my house without my address and with no one inside. "Ok..sure we can talk." I say closing the front door. I then go to my room upstairs, signaling Stella to follow me. She does, and we go into my room. I then notice that one of my windows were open. That explains it. "So..what did you want to talk about?" I say my back facing Stella.

(Warning, attempted murder, staby stab, blood mentions, and things like that)

3rd person POV:
Stella grabbed the knife out of her pocket, and raised her arms and tried to stab Yuri in the back, however Yuri turned around to face Stella, and Stella ended up stabbing him in the arm instead. "Ah!" Yuri hissed in pain. Yuri grabbed his arm and looked at Stella, blood running out through his arm and through his hand that was covering his arm. "Stella!-" Yuri says before being tackled to the floor by her, and she tried to stab him somewhere in the face, but Yuri ends up moving his head and dodges the blow. "Stella what the hell!?" Yuri shouts. Yuri then tries to push Stella off him, and she end up falling over and hitting her head on a wall. Yuri quickly gets up to run downstairs, but Stella grabs his leg from her position, and quickly gets back up. Because of this, Yuri loses balance and falls down the stairs. Because of this, he gets a ton of bruises and hits his head on the edge of one of the stairs. He fell onto the floor, back first, and yelled in pain. Stella runs down the stairs and attacks Yuri, meanwhile Yuri was trying to get up, he got trampled back down by Stella. "Stella- ow- why-?" Yuri says before being stabbed somewhere in the chest by Stella. Yuri screamed in pain as Stella put pressure on the stab. Yuri tried to push Stella off of him, but failed. It hurt so bad that Yuri started crying. Then suddenly, the front door had opened, which made both of their attention turn on the door. "But you said your mom wouldn't be back by 10-" Stella says. Yuri couldn't say anything back, he was just whimpering in pain. "Honey I'm home early! The meeting was cancelled so-" Yuri's mom says before seeing how the two were. Stella, a knife in Yuri's chest, and Yuri struggling to breath and crying. And bleeding. Yuri's mother was furious. She started counting. Yuri knew what that meant, but however Stella didn't. "1..." She starts. "Stella you should-" Yuri says before he starts coughing, he couldn't say anything else. "2..." Yuri's mother says. Stella was confused, she didn't know to run, or to keep the knife in Yuri's chest, but all the less she still put pressure where she's stabbing him. "3..." Yuri's mother says. Then it was too late. Yuri's mother instantly dropped everything she was carrying and rushed over to Stella, tackling her with all her might and pinning her to the wall, she then took out her emergency spray, and sprayed it in Stella's eyes. Ouch. Yuri now free from Stella's grasp, hurled over to the side, the knife still in his chest. His arm still bleeding. Yuri's mother then, after spraying Stella, threw her to the floor and dialed her phone. 9..1..1..

Imma leave it there for cliff hanging sake. It's not as much as it is normally, but I wanna leave you in suspenseeee, I mean I could have left you off where the door opened, but that would have been too short, you know. Anyways hope you enjoyed, I'm bad at writing action so-

Word count: 823

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