Part two of The story of Yuri

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Ok there might be some bad topics in this part so beware children who dare to read this.

(Let me tell you, 3 months had past since the first part of this story, and Stella is still with Yuri, although she's about to end it soon, since she's just using him. Also yes. She was using him. Was it not obvious that was gonna happen or like? Anyways so read if you want lol)

Yuri's POV:

Today was the day. I didn't expect it to be the day, but it was..Stella had broken up with me. I waited for her at the cafe we normally went on dates to, and she sat down next to me, said "sorry, this isn't working, were over" and left. She blocked my number, because none of my texts ever actually sent back to her. Worst day ever. But I just kinda sat in my bed, crying into my mom's shoulder again. She always made me feel better. And I could care less if she was my mom and that I'm like 17 now, I still adore her. She is my mother after all, and she raised me all by myself ever since I was 8. My father..wasn't the best. Especially twords me. Because of this, once she found out about everything my dad had been putting through, my mother left him immediately.

(We stan Yuri's mother)

Suddenly, I got a text from Adam.

(I'm gonna tell you a brief description of what happened cause I'm lazy before we get to the time skip. So basically Adam texted Yuri and wanted him to help him study tomorrow, so of course Yuri agreed, but then Adam mentioned that one of his friends wanted to tag along, since he didn't know anything about math either. Yuri accepted, he didn't mind meeting new an extent of course. Adam mentioned that his name was Carlo, and that he needed help on solving a part of algebra that apparently Yuri was really good at, Yuri thought that it was cool he needed help, and then gladly accepted to help him with that too)

~Time skip to the time where they study~

(They met at a local library)

"Hey how's it going Yuri" Adam says.

"Uh it's going good I guess, where's Carlo?"
I ask.
"Oh he may run a little late, he got caught up in helping his dad with something" Adam says. Suddenly someone comes running up to Adam, kind of breathing a bit heavy, seeming as he was running. "Hey Adam, sorry I'm late- oh you must be- ...y-yuri..?" Carlo says stuttering on his words as he looks up at me. I don't know why he did that, but eh. I didn't really care. "Yeah I'm Yuri, nice to meet you Carlo" I say. "You uh where should we start?" Carlo says.

~Time skip after study session~

(Adam had to go home, his mother's set his time as 10:30, if he wasn't home before then, they would definitely flip out)

"Can I give you my number?" Carlo says, inching a bit closer to me while we sit next to each other. "Uh, sure" I say. "Great! Here" Carlo says as he gives me a piece of paper with his number..weird, it's almost as if he had planned to do that. "wanna be friends?" Carlo says as I grab the paper. "sure.." I say looking at the paper. I slip the paper into my pocket, then look at my phone for the time.'s already 12:30!? My mom said to be home by 12.. (it's a.m. btw) "I gotta go, cya" I say as I scurry out my seat and exit the library. I feel like Carlos was going to say something, but he didn't get the chance too.

I was walking home and it started to get dark. Really dark. The local library was actually kinda far from my house, and I thought I'd be home by now, so I just walked there and didn't want my mom to pick me up either because I wanted to be responsible for once. Bad idea. It was cold. I was wearing short sleeves, so I started wrapping my hands around my arms and shivered a bit. "Cold?" I heard a distant voice say.

I instantly recognized the voice. I shivered even more. "What are you doing here..?" I say, looking behind me, seeing a somewhat tall, somewhat bad boy looking figure. Me and Chad haven't spoken since the slap, not has he tried to do anything to me. And yes, it is Chad. (Warning kiddos, if your reading this and your a child, skip this untill I say it's okay, or don't, just know this scene may contain attempted rape and sexual abuse? I think that's what its called-)

"I don't know..just following you around I guess" Chad says, chill. "Following me around? Why?" I say, getting a bad feeling in my gut. "I don't know, I just guess that I wanted to..apologize for punching you in the face" Chad says. I almost laughed at his apology. "Really!? Your apologizing for punching me that one time! What about all the other times you've hit me! Are you saying that it didn't matter?" I say, voice breaking a little. "Did you not feel sorry those other times..? Why are you apologizing for one measly little punch, when it didn't even hurt that bad!" I say angrily. Chad just stood there. (No one: Chad: 🧍)

"Why aren't you saying anything!? Do you really not care!?-" I say before being interrupted by Chad, he walked up to me and pinned me against the wall. His grip was more firm, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't escape from his grasp this time. "Let me go-" I say before being interrupted again, this time by Chad kissing me. "Mmph!?" I tried to say something, but it was muffled because of Chad kissing me. He then broke the kiss, saying "I want you, and only you" Chad says. I look at him, my eyes wide open, with an uncomfortable look on my face. "And I'm not taking no for answer" Chad says, then he takes his hand and puts it up my shirt, touching my chest, I flinched at the touch, not expecting him to do so. "C-chad dont-" I say before being interrupted again my another kiss. I felt uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. I tried to push away from him, but that only made his grip on me tighten. I was scared. I've never actually been in a situation like this before. I didn't know how to handle it. Suddenly, I felt his tongue go into my mouth forcefully, I was very startled by this. I didn't like it at all. I tried to say something, but it was just muffled because of the kissing. "Mm!" Is all it came out as. I needed to do something. I tried kicking, pushing, with all my force even, moving my head away so he would stop kissing me, but he just kept forcing himself onto me, his grip getting tighter and tighter. I felt tears sting my eyes. Was this really happening? I didn't know what to do, or even what to think. But then suddenly, in the distance, I saw another figure of someone. Was it one of chads friends? If so, he wasn't going to help me, I just know it. I started crying. It was.. awkward but Chad didn't seem to care. Suddenly, the figure ran up to us.

It turns out, it was Carlo. "C-carlo! H-help me!" I say stuttering, not knowing if yelling for him to help would do anything. Suddenly, Chad stopped kissing my neck and looked back to see Carlo. He took his hand out of my shirt and glared at Carlo. "What the hell is happening here!?" Carlo yells, clearly angry. And before I knew it, they were fighting each other. Some time had past and Chad walked away. It seems he didn't want to fight anymore. "A-are you ok-?" Carlo says before I run up to him and hug him. "t-thank you..I was scared..I didn't know what to do" I said, letting myself be vulnerable. I buried my face in his shoulder, like I would if he were my mother. "Of course, no problem" Carlo says. Carlo then suddenly picks me up bridal style and says, "so where your address?" ...huh? Oh..I see. "Uh it's ****** but I can walk you know, Chad didn't do anything that serious to me" I say kinda hesitant to tell him. "Oh okay, I'm still carrying you though" Carlo says.

(Okay that part is over, kids you may read now, also just know that rape and or attempted rape or sexual assault is not laughing matter and is a very serious topic, even if it is written very cringely in a random fanfic)

~Time skip to when Carlo returned Yuri home~

"Thanks for carrying me" I say, sniffling a bit before walking into my house. "No problem" Carlo says, walking away. My mother instantly rushed up to me and hugged me. "Oh my God! My baby where have you been!? I've been worried sick texting you and calling you! You said you'd be back home at 12! What happened!? Were you crying!? I know that face! You've been crying! Who did it and who do I need to kill!" My mother says, instantly smothering me with motherly love and affection and millions of questions. Eventually, after telling her everything, she tucked me into bed, and sung me my favorite lullaby. We agreed I wouldn't go to school tomorrow.

The end of this part. Wow. I cringed writing that. Anyways stay tuned for the next part!

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