A Trip To Remember

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** 3 Weeks later **

We all got together and planned a trip to Disney Land for the kids. The last trip before we give birth to our baby girl. Kiyomi and her family showed up at our house. We rented a personal van to take us to the airport.

As we load up the van, I begin to feel cramps in my vaginal area, but I ignore them because the baby isn't due for another 3 weeks. I've never seen Ezra smile before, but the kids are so excited.

As far as I know, he is still confused as to why his dad acts this way towards us. While I still have flashbacks to our good times, those memories become clouded by the bad ones as time goes on.

Kiyomi starts blabbering about her coworker and how she doesn't pull her weight during shifts as the van leaves. Everyone in the car starts laughing except Silas as we hear, "All this bitch ever does is sit on her ass and eat hot Cheetos." There's even some laughter among the children.

When we arrived at the airport, our tickets were mixed up, so I spoke to the gate agent.

There was a pleasant young man there. "Hello ma'am is there something I can help you with?" he asks.

"Yes, on one of our tickets, the destination is incorrect, it's to Miami Florida instead of Orlando Florida" I say.

While we are talking, I see Silas approaching, and before I could grab our corrected ticket, he takes it before I could.

He then grabbed my arm, pushed me into the seat when we board the plane, and says, "What did I tell you about fucking disrespecting me!" I sit in silence as I'm grateful Ezra seat is on a different row with Kiyomi's twins. 

We get off the plane and my ache start to get worse. Kiyomi and her family went to go get checked into their hotel.

(Texts between Kiyomi and Nani)

Nani-"Kiyomi something isn't right "

Kiyomi-"Nani What do you mean "

Nani-"I think the baby is about to come I'm feeling terrible pain "

Kiyomi-"Okay, stay calm I'll meet you in 5 minutes"

(She gets here)

When she arrives, my water breaks and I am screaming in pain. "Nani where is Silas?" Kiyomi ask

"I DON'T KNOW "I scream. As I continue to scream in excruciating pain, my vision gets dimmer and I'm left with an echo of Kiyomi screaming "NANI" "SOMEONE CALL 911"


Hi guys!!! This was a kinda short chapter but make sure you hang in there ;)


Thank you guys for hanging in there!!


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