counterfeit monies!!! :((((((((((((

54 0 0


Yukari: eye saw sumi gib yuo the monies

Reimu: are yu going to maek de monies gone?

Yukari: /ues, and we gib 1M real yen in exchayng.

Reimu: relly???

Yukari: ye, we can use this as toilet paper and sell it in the hooman villug.

Reimu: woah when i get mai monies

Yukari: when it all sells owt

1 day later

Yukari: it sell owt beri quicklee 

here are de monies

Reimu: WOAH!,!! 1M YEN!!!!!!1!1!1!1!?1!1?1!1?1!1?1!!1!!

reimu gets moniesWhere stories live. Discover now