chapter 17

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before With naruto

*naruto reached the hokage tower and entered*

Tsunade:ah naruto glad you're here took some time but I got you're reward

Naruto:I'm all ears what do you got for me baachan but first what's going on with finding more things that belong to my clan

Tsunade:yes but..

Naruto:they don't want to give it up?

*tsunade sighed rubbing her temple*

Tsunade:you have no idea we really should be thankful that at least we have the hyuga clan on our side since most of the clans have called for a council meeting

Naruto:oh that's gonna be fun

*sarcasm was thick in his voice not that tsunade minded she agrees with him wholeheartedly council meetings where a pain in her ass*

Tsunade"i swear hiruzen why you made the Civil council I will never know I love you sensei but after Minato died someone else should have been the hokage all you did was make the problems worse"

*tsunade sighed and smiled brightly at naruto*

Tsunade:anyway I got 3 books from previous hokages the first is an old book that the second hokage wrote but was never giving the public or any of the ninja clans

Naruto:fascinating I've read of the second hokage I got to say while he was without a doubt strong...but Jesus was a racist

Tsunade:hey you brat that's my great uncle you're talking about

Naruto:no offense but I'm not wrong his hate of the uchiha clan caused us alot of problems and cost kohona one of its strongest clans

Tsunade:he wasn't that bad he was the one that started the uchiha police force

Naruto:you mean the same police force that he used as his pawns and did his dirty work so to not ruin his image?

Tsunade:fair enough but he was a great teacher

Naruto:.  .  . Didn't he train danzo?

Tsunade:...I retract my statement

*both laughed softly*

Naruto:I mean no offense baachan I know he's you're family and everything but his policies let to the downfall of the uchiha clan and giving his hatred for them you can't say he didn't know what he was doing

Tsunade:OK fair his policies were not the best something I should take a look at make sure nothing too bad is still in effect

Naruto:probably a good idea

Tsunade:aha! But he was powerful! He created a huge amount of jutsus

Naruto:no denying that he did create alot of jutsus most of then forbidden and his crowing achievement the edo tensei you know the jutsu that killed the old man

Tsunade:OK yeah...I got nothing that was a mistake to create something so..well evil

Naruto:not to mention messing with the shinigami is never a good thing probably pissed him off that someone was defying him

Tsunade:yeah alright so he was a madman when it came to creating jutsus

Naruto:powerful jutsus on that there's no question but for the greater good eh that's where things get complicated

Tsunade:alright I get it were getting of tracked anyway the second book contains simple information about self that the 3rd hokage wrote down

Naruto:the old man knew seals?

Tsunade:second only to the 4th hokage which reminds me..

*tsunade gave naruto the last book feeling a lump in her throat for having to keep this a secret from him*

Tsunade:the last one it's not a book more of a notebook of the 4th hokage please take care of this books

Naruto:I will baachan thanks alot

Tsunade:...naruto before you go

Naruto:yes? can keep the 4th hokage's notebook think of it as a gift from me to you

*naruto was shocked but quickly smiled and hugged tsunade tightly*

Naruto:thanks baachan you're the best!

*it took everything inside her not to start crying and tell him the truth naruto quickly left and tsunade turned her chair to see the hokage mountain looking at hiruzen's face a mix of emotion inside her she sighed*

Tsunade:you're dead so there's no point at yelling at you but I still say keeping his heritage hidden was a fucking mistake kushina if you can hear me kick his ass for me until i get there

*she turned around and started taken care of paperwork to distract her mind*

With naruto

*naruto was walking back home the 3 books in one of his seals until he suddenly stopped feeling one of his seals start to burn his eyes went wide since that's was a warning seal that someone entered his apartment more importantly his room he felt fear as his mother's book was left out in the opened in his bed naruto quickly ran to his apartment at such speed that people confused him with guy once he made it he heard voices in inside he walked in and saw his door to his room explored feeling rage start to build he walked and saw saw the rookie 10 in his room what made him even more furious was choji having shizune trapped and Kiba about to touch his mother's book using his Wood Release he made a new door and slammed it closed making them look at him*

*naruto was walking back home the 3 books in one of his seals until he suddenly stopped feeling one of his seals start to burn his eyes went wide since that's was a warning seal that someone entered his apartment more importantly his room he felt ...

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Naruto:touch that book and it will be the last thing you do you disgusting mutt fatso let go of shizune or I will RIPPED you're arm off

*choji did as he was told his legs trembling terrified*


Naruto:shut up! Now you all gonna get out of this room and explain what you are doing I'm my house

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