Frank [ Five ]

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"Do I look okay?" Hazel asked softly, twisting the hem of her dress with her fingers.

"You look fi-" Frank began to say but stopped himself when his eyes reach hers. Fine was not a word to use in that sense, stunning was more appropriate.

"What." Hazel's hands shot up to her face, "do I have something on my face?"

"No its look beautiful." Frank would've preferred to say something else, something better, but his nerves got the better of him, Hazel blushed, still twisting the hem of her dress.

The dress she wore was completely black apart from a swirly blue pattern on the sleeves. It definitely seemed a lot nicer than Franks hand-me-down suit and tie he'd gotten from his Grandmother. But he hoped it was enough, it wasn't like they were meeting the queen anyway.

No, they weren't meeting the queen, but they were going to a funeral, Piper's funeral.

Everything was happening so quickly that Frank didn't even get the chance to think. As a few minutes later both Hazel and Frank were clambering into Smelly Gabe's borrowed car, Percy and Annabeth sitting sheepishly in the front seats.

The car ride was silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence, more of a respectful one, or maybe it was just cause they were afraid to speak. But either way Frank didn't mind it, he was glad to just sort out his thoughts whilst Hazel laced her fingers with him. The touch sent butterflies throughout Franks body, if that was possible.

The funeral was being held at an old church, to Frank it looked a lot like the one in the Helena music video, and he only knew that cause of Nico's wild music taste.

The four friends walked quietly into the church, a book was lay open at the entrance, Frank guessed it was for friends and family to write praises and kind words for Piper and her family. He considered writing something in it himself, but was ushered into the church before he got the chance to.

Inside was quiet, rows and rows of people were sat on either side on the church, and since Frank and the rest of his 'squad' were close friend of Piper's, they were granted seats at the near front. Jason was already seated when they all arrived, he held a crumpled piece of paper close to his chest, most likely his speech he was asked to write, and Frank could tell from Jason's glassy eyes that he would no doubt begin to cry part way through.

"I want to begin by saying that Piper was truly one of a kind..."

And that was how the funeral began, Piper's father was standing beside the coffin, tears were already streaming down his face and he was holding a bouquet of blue and red flowers. Everyone in the church sat quietly and listened sadly to the mans speech, until he managed to slowly come to an end and sit down next to his wife, staring long and hardly at the wooden coffin. He said one last word that no one but Frank caught on to...."why."

And that was the question on everyones mind, everyone but Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Nico, Hazel and Leo. But then again not even them new fully why she couldn't just hold on.

Snapping his mind back to reality, Frank watched Jason stand up in front of everyone, a slide-show of pictures began to play behind him on a projector. Pictures of Piper and her family, Piper and her friends and just Piper on her own.

"Days will lass and turn into years, but I will always remember you with silent tears."  He said quietly, a tear trickling down his cheek, he sighed, almost as if to reconsider saying his speech.

"There was never one quite like Piper, she was funny, beautiful and outrageous at times. And I can honestly say that there will be a huge piece of our group missing now that she's gone...."

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