Chapter-1 The Pain

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A/N Note :-
I can't believe my first ever book which i wrote on Wattpad had reached 29k reads..🖤
I was really worried that because of my lack of experience on writing a book, i might suck at delivering the exact words to the story but luckily it survived...😅

Thanks to all you guys who took your sweet time to read this book..🙇🏻‍♂️
And it'll be much more appreciated if you check out my other stories as well...😁✌🏻

Well....Thanks again..😉*
Ja na🙋🏻‍♂️

Alright....i already wasted enough time...Let's get onto the story.

It was a usual challenging day with Luffy, Usopp and Chopper playing around the ship,
Zoro's and Sanji's arguing and fighting,
Nami with her Temper issues and occasionally beating the crap outta her fellow crewmates,
Robin with her Coffee and Reading,
Franky with his Cola and inventions,
Brook with his Music and obsession with Robin's and Nami's Panties.
They dropped the anchor at the nearby island but little did they know,
That island is where their Nakama is gonna make his biggest life choice.

The island looks Peaceful enough to stay for a while.
So far, No Marine Ships were spotted,
No Pirate ships have been encountered.
Nami gather around her crewmates to do the announcement...

"Listen up everyone...
The Logpose'll take roughly 3 days to record this island's Magnetic Field.
So,we'll be staying here for the mean time." Nami says with authority...

She split the allowance money between her crew and let them spend however they want along with the ship's supplies.

"Yosh..! Let's go paaartyyyyyy..!" The Captain Rubber Man yell in excitement,

As soon as Nami hear Luffy saying that, she bonked a lump on his head,

"Absolutely not,You idiot...!
All you're gonna do is get more attention and start trouble which only is gonna make things worse." Nami yelled at Luffy in frustration.

Nami formed them in groups.
She, Robin, Chopper & Franky on one group,
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp & Brook on the other group.

Zoro decides to stay at the sunny but only to be tricked by the Navigator, bringing up his debt and threatening him to do as she says or she'll rise his debt to 3x times.

"Tch,You wicked witch..!" Zoro grunts,

"Hehe..Be a good little Swordsman and do as i says or else you'll pay the price..." The Orange Haired Navigator says with an evil smile.

"Fufufu,You got Zoro wrapped around your fingers,hah..! Nami..?" Raven haired woman giggled.

Zoro gave an irritated glare at Nami.
The Group separated and goes on their own separate ways,
Nami's group entered a shop for some shopping.
Chopper asked Robin to company him to buy some Books for his medical studies. Robin and chopper goes to a near by Book Shop.

On the other side of the town,
Luffy runs inside the restaurant as soon as he smells food,yelling


"That idiot..!" Sanji sighs..

Sanji decides to go buy groceries for the dinner.

"Make sure Luffy don't get in any trouble and also make sure Mr.Mosshead here don't get lost." Says sanji with lighting a cigarette.

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