Chapter-10 Kingdom Of Lemuria.

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After Zaako recognized hus mistakes.
After making the lifes of his people a living hell,
After knowing he alone is the reason for his wife's death,
And he blamed it on his son.

Zaako is heartbroken and ashamed of what kind of a monster he have became.
So, he decided to turn his life around, travel away from Lemuria to experience new things and on a soul searching mission on becoming a Better King.
He put Mr.Norrington, His Right Hand Man as temporary in-charge.

Zaako's First born and Second born children Akira and Eiji protested against putting their servant as in-charge.
But Zaako insist as he trust Norrington.
He tried to reason with his kids but apart from Shire, the other two are not ears.

He set sail to different lands, nations and kingdoms in disguise to experience more about living in other foreign lands.
Eventually he ended up going to
The Kingdom Of Alabasta.
He was walking along the street, eating an Apple he bought earlier.
Along the way,
A thief pit pocketed his bag and make run for it. Zaako chase him down untill they reached a deserted town of ruins.

A couple of bandits were standing there,probably his buddies.
That thief gave the bag to his boss who's a half naked, Cleavagely dressed, sexy looking woman with an evil look.

What have you bought me today..!
A fine looking handsome man..?
What is wrong, Mister..?
You look out of breath..!" The Bandit Woman says with a seductive voice,

"I believe your Men Stole my bag, that is now in your hand...
If you kindly give it back and I'll be on my way...
I don't want any trouble.." Zaako saya with a respectful tone,

"Awww...did you stole this bag from that handsome man..?" The bandit woman ask with the same seductive tone,

That bandit just node, admiring her sexy body with a drooling mouth.
Those men working as a Slave for her just in the hopes of getting in bed with her.

"If you please give me my bag,
I'll be on my way." Zaako says getting impatient,

"Awww..! What's the rush, honey..?
Don't you wanna have stick around and have some fun with me...?
I'm getting so boooored...!
I wanna have some fun, and I'd be more than satisfied if it's with a man like you, stranger.." That Bandit Woman says in a seductive way.

The Bandits standing behind her getting jealous of Zaako.
But Zaako notices an unconscious little girl with light blue hair in ponytail tied up on the ground behind them.

"That is a tempting offer...
But i have to pass,
So I'm gonna take my bag,
And that little girl along with me." Zaako says with a smirk.

"Ohhhhh..! Such Confidence...?
I'm afraid i can't allow that...
Boys....! Take him down but don't kill him...I want that man for myself." The Bandit Woman says with an evil smirk.

"Don't say i didn't warn ya..!" Zaako saya cracking his knuckles.

In a couple of minutes, her smirk faded into frightening shock as Zaako turned that dry wasteland into a warzone.
He beat the shit out of all the bandits.
Bodies laying around everywhere and blood shattered all over that ground,
Zaako didn't even lost his breath as he walked slowly towards The Bandit Woman. He smiled with an evil smirk and walk pass her but She's too stunned to even turn around to look at Zaako.

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