Chapter 2

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Next morning, Minnie wakes up, tired.

- I think I'm going to sleep again...

Venom Girl: No! I'm going to get you up...

Minnie goes up fast from the bed, with the help of Venom Girl. She goes slowly to the bathroom and watches herself in the mirror. Her face looks like Venom Girl. She jumps back, horrified. Venom Girl laughs.

- I wanted to jump scare you, just so you could get less tired.

- That wasn't nice!

- Hahah... I know.

Venom Girl starts to control Minnie. Minnie brushes her teeth super fast, runs to the kitchen and drinks a glass of water in one take. Venom Girl stops controlling Minnie.

Venom Girl: How did it feel to be told what you're going to do? I did the same to you as you did to me.

- Except that you didn't do what I told you to do... it's quite a difference.

- No, it isn't. Or maybe... who cares anyway?

- Me. You should listen to your owner and don't make me listen to you!

- Okay. I think I understand. If I follow your rules, I get a reward from you.

- No... I want to ask you a thing. Is that the only way to make you follow my rules?

- Yes, it is. Good partnership deserves something.

- Okay, fine... deal!

- Do you know what I want?

Minnie shakes her head.

Venom Girl: I want you to share your secret, tell everybody you know that you have Venom Girl inside you. I want to be famous!

- No... I would be mortified in front of everyone.

- Okay, now you've said it. I'll do as I want and you follow my rules...

- Okay, I'll tell the stupid secret.

- Yes!

Minnie takes her cheap cellphone out of her jeans pocket. She takes a deep breath before she presses her contact list. Not a single contact is on the list.

- No one? Right... I don't have any friends.

- Really? That's sad...

- It's not so bad. The stupid thing is that I have to transform into you sometimes. I hate to be mean to nice people. Just do as I say without a deal.

- Deal!

- We're going to the park, and I only want you to intervene if it's serious.

- Sure!

Minnie goes to the park. Venom Girl sees that someone pours gasoline on the grass. It's the thief who tried to rob the woman.

Venom Girl: Gasoline...

Minnie takes a look at what he's doing.

- Intervene!

Minnie becomes Venom Girl. The man throws a lighter, but before the fire comes on the gasoline, Venom Girl dives under the lighter and swallows it. She lands on the grass and turns around to the man.

- You wanted to burn up the park and run away, didn't you? You're so predictable...

- It's my hobby to destroy things. And it's, unfortunate for you, none of your business.

- You are a bad guy, that deserves to go to hell and rotten there with all the other bad people. Shame on you! Do you know what I'll do with bad guys? I eat them!

The man shakes his head, fast and nervous.

- Don't eat me! I'm not even old yet...

- Hm! If you don't want that to happen, why are you still doing those mischiefs, then?

- I'm bored!

- You are free and can do what you want. You have money because you're a thief. You could go to an amusement park, you could go anywhere! But you chose to live as a gangster. Spend your money on funny stuff and don't save them. That's my advice.

- Thank you for the advice. That was nice.

The man slowly starts to smile.

Venom Girl: I know how to make people smile. Bye!

Venom Girl runs to Minnie's house again. Minnie Girl becomes herself. She puffs out.

- I didn't know you were going to swallow that lighter. It burns a little bit.

Minnie realizes how thirsty she is. She runs into the house and to the kitchen and drinks from the water tap. Minnie closes the water tap and goes to the living room to watch TV. But when she turns it on, she gets a surprise. It's the news, and they're talking about Venom Girl.

- A big person in black suit has been saving a park from a fire. An anonymous person was filming this, hidden. The big person jumped to the place where the man poured gasoline and swallowed the lighter. That was brave. Then, the big person made the man smile, and ran away. And that was nice. We're still searching for the man that poured gasoline over the grass in the park. The anonymous person who filmed described him. Here's a facial composite.

The news shows a sketch of the thief. Venom Girl slinks out of Minnie and shakes her head, sad and slowly.

- I wanted to help him. Now, he's going to jail. Isn't that unfair?

Minnie shrugs her shoulders.

- I don't know. He's a thief and he tried to burn up the park. He shouldn't get away with it.

Venom Girl sighs deeply.

- I'm gonna tell you one thing. In the end, he seemed very happy and nice.

- Don't trust him.

- Okay. I hope the jail is threatening him good. With breakfast in the mornings, and every meal he needs. They could bring him a pajamas, not only one pair of clothes, and a toothbrush and a toothpaste so he can brush his teeth.

- I don't think prisons are that nice.

- You're wrong! Some prisons are very nice. And some are hideous... I'm just hoping that he comes to a good prison.

The man sits in the prison on a bench, sighs and rolls his eyes. A prisoner guard walks by. The man runs to the gate.

- Let me out! I'm innocent! I was bored, that's why I did what I did.

The guard shakes his head.

- I don't believe you. Put gasoline on a park to burn it up? I don't think that's so innocent.

The guard walks away. The man widening his eyes.

- No! You can't just let me sit here! Come back!

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