What it's like dating Pony

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Dating Pony

-Gets teased by gang 24/7
-Picnic and movie dates
-Walks in the park
-Johnny 3rd wheeling
-Scared he is not good enough for you
-Watching sunsets and sunrises together
-Reading to each other
-Staring into each other's eyes
-Darry is very strict with y'all
-Darry and Soda protect you at all costs as if you were their sister
-Study's together
-He is always writing you little cute letters and stuff
-He prefers little spoon but is sometimes big spoon
-Darry secretly think y'all are adorable
-Along with Dally and surprisingly Steve as well
-Holding hands all the time
-He is always asking Soda for advice
-You two are really good at comforting each other
-Does not trust Dally with you
-Gets jealous a lot

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