|| Chp. 7 ||

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*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼

The next day, it didn't occur to jennette at what happened after spending time at the festival

It didn't cross her mind until she spotted jeremy walking on a hallway with roxanne, it made her halt on her walk with lewell who was confused on why she stopped

' what happened after I fell asleep? Then did I do something while I was sleeping? ' she thought, cupping her cheeks in embarrassment and slightly walking backwards

" Nooooooo.....! " she muttered loud enough for lewell to worry about,

" miss? Is something wrong? "

" lewell... How did I get into my room? " lewell was confused on why she's acting like this, but still answered the question

" you were sleeping after your outing with the young master, and he also was the one who placed you on your bed and told me to change your clothes "

That made jennette stunned, why did she have to fall asleep? She should've listen to him on going home early and not be stubborn because it was your first outing, and now he ended up seeing her embarrassing side

In the end, jennette had her tea time at the garden

The view made her stop thinking about what happened last night, the tea was also good and lewell was with her

' the view here is more beautiful than at the alpheus '  then she halt drinking her tea, ' why did sir roger agree on the marriage though? '

It hasn't been a week on her upcoming arrival and she still doesn't know a thing about the agriches even when she wanted to ask roxanne she was afraid of offending her by asking such a question

" there you are, jennette " someone called, making jennette out of her thoughts and look at the person,

" ah, sister roxanne! "

" I have a favor to ask, there is a 'guest' I have at a room and the servants are a bit mean to him and I'm worried that he'll get beat up while I'm gone " roxanne said, it made lewell tense hearing the guest word when she knows the meaning of it

" a guest? "

" yes, a guest, will you be alright taking care of him? He's a bit ferocious so be careful and all you have to is give him food and clothes for him, he can do the rest "

Jennette accepted the favor, after all she did think roxanne helped her out a lot and she didn't want to be useless around here

" I'll be back after a few weeks or so, I still don't know when will I come back " Roxanne then turned around elegantly, gently waving her hand since she'll be late at who knows where

Upon arriving at the carriage, she quietly sat down and her cold demeanor was shown making the employees shake in fear

' dammit lant, the only one I can trust cassis is jennette, but I didn't specifically what jennette look like to cassis ' she worriedly thought, she knew lewell would know the way to cassis's room but the problem is cassis might hurt jennette while doing the favor from her

' I have to create another plan, tsk '

Meanwhile, jennette already prepared the food and clothes for cassis with the help of lewell

" Miss, do know I won't be able to accompany you inside the room " she announced, it was a known fact to not enter without the master's permission

But since jennette was given permission to do so, she'll just quietly accompany her to where the room is and help her with the clothes and food

" ahh, I see "

Arriving, jennette suddenly felt a chill to not enter but lewell mentioned at the kitchen that she is able to do so because roxanne asked her a favor

' the guest is not that scary right? ' opening the door, coming inside the room

The room was quite large and good enough for a guest to sleep, except the room was quite far away from the main part of the mansion?

Placing the tray down, and also the clothes, suddenly a figure jumped in front of her recognizing that she was wearing a Noble's clothe

Jennette who accidentally avoided him, crashed onto the ground while cassis was on a stance that I cannot describe

Her right hand started to hurt after falling down to avoid from cassis, she looked at him and

" an ijekiel look alike? " she blurted out, it made cassis make a confused expression, and now that he looked at Jennette clearly

' she doesn't look like an agriche, her hand is also sprained after a small fall ' he thought while looking at the injury, ' and it was caused by me, for scaring her '

He shook his head, and quietly looked at the food and decided to help jennette stand up from her position,

Also helping her dust of the dirt from her dress, it wasn't much but he still can't trust her

" you, what's your name? " he suddenly had the courage to ask,

" It's Jennette Margarita, sir " she bowed lightly to him, he was much taller then Jennette and his figure is also much more bigger then her making her look like a scared rabbit in front of him

" right... " he sat down at his bed, while the tray on his lap and eating peacefully not minding jennette who was waiting for the tray [not him]

A thought then popped into his mind, ' I heard that the agriche has a contractual marriage with the obelia empire? But she isn't a princess? Or an imperial blood? So why did the agriche agree? '

' more specifically, what is the emperor thinking? '

Stopping his scribbling, claude looked around, sensing that someone is talking about him but since his pretty busy with work

He continued scribbling ' I must be out of my mind... '

To be continued

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