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Grounding reconnects you to Mother Earth* (just the earth if thats your beliefs) as well as your own spiritual and physical self. Grounding is an important practice for a lot of witches, and can be tied to self care.
When you are ungrounded, you feel stressed, anxious and even get nightmares. Of course, these things doesn't apply to all witches.
But what can we really do to ground?

Crystals: Larvikite, moss agate, hematite, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, bloodstone, obsidian

How you can ground yourself:

5-4-3-2-1 method:
Sit outside or facing a window ang get comfortable with yourself and your surroundings.
Clise your eyes and focus on your breath until you feel calm.
Open your eyes, and focus on 5 things you can see.
Now focus on 4 things you can hear.
Focus on 3 things you can feel.
2 things you can hear.
And lastly, focus on 1 thing you can taste.

Meditate: Take some time and meditate in nature or your garden. If not possible, try meditate with grounding crystals. Feel the grass beneath you, feel the air around you, and focus on your breath.

Hug a tree: Sounds silly, but this is my personal favorite. Go outside and hug a tree. You can also ask the tree to take away your sorrows and stress. This may work different on different witches, but for me it reduces stress and anxiety.

Walk barefoot: Feel the ground under your feet is a great grounding exercise.
*Be careful of poisonous insects and such if they exist where you live.

Focus: Find one thing in nature you will focus on and try descripe as precise as possible. Show gratitude over all the small details Mother Earth (nature) have done in her work.

Garden: Gardening is a relaxing hobby that make you spend alot of time with nature, and help you ground at the same time.

Sit a place in nature where you can feel relaxed. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, breathe slowly and deep.
Visualize a light in the core of your body. You choose yourself whats the core of your body. For some its the heart, and some links it to solar or sacral plexus. Some even use chakras/energy points and see the cure as the root chakra. Its not important where this core is, the important is that it makes sense to you and feels natural.
Visualize a light growing down from your core and towards the ground. Visualize the light grow down through the surface, and continue deep down to the earth's core. See your energy meet Earth's energy. Draw some of her energy up and bring it inti your body. Let the energy of Mother Earth fill you.
If you are tired or low on energy, you can use the energy of Earth to balance this by drawing this energy to you.
If you feel overstimulated and have alot of energy, you can give some of your energy to Earth.

The list is not yet complete. Its recommended to read about more different ways to protect yourself, or maybe ask a more educated witch for their opinions. Remember to not push them to tell, as you are asking about their personal experience.

*Mother Earth: This is just my personal way of referring to the beautiful Earth and nature we live in. You can absolutely just call it Earth and refer to the Earth as she, him or it. Whatever feels natural for you.

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