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Banishing is very similar to cleansing. When we banish, we tell something or someone to go away. This can be unwanted entities, spirits, energies etc. There is big rituals for banishing, but its recommended to just do small rituals in everyday life. The big rituals can drain your energy alot, and you will feel burned out.
You can banish anything, depression, anxiety, toxic friends etc.

Herbs:Rosemary, pine, sage, salt, garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper, lemon, cinnamon

How to banish:

Intention: stir clockwise in drink and food to invoke, and counterclockwise to banish.
You can also use an incense stick and make circles counterclockwise in front of windows and doors to banish negative energies from coming into your room/house.

Affirmations: Affirmations can be said during banishing spells. They can also be said as you manifest negativity to be banished.
Example: Anything that is sent to destroy me is being returned to the sender.

Spells: There are a lot of banishing spells and rituals that can be done to banish.

Banishing powder: A powder of banishing herbs you can sprinkle on (preferably) the shoes of someone you want to banish from your life.

Oil: You can make a banishing oil from olive oil and herbs with properties of banishing.

The list is not yet complete. Its recommended to read about more different ways to protect yourself, or maybe ask a more educated witch for their opinions. Remember to not push them to tell, as you are asking about their personal experience.

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