Eight (Edited)

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I've been with the brothers for about a month now and it has been the best month of my life. I am falling for them hard but I can't tell if they feel the same. I am guessing they haven't mentioned me to their dad yet, since we are still seeing each other and I have yet to meet him. They want me to come over tonight but Yoongi is coming over, so I told them I would be over after my appointment. I've decided I am going to tell them tonight what happened in my past and who Yoongi is. I open the door to greet him, inviting him. 

Before I shut the door, I look around because I feel eyes on me. A shadow moves under the door across the hall. Are they watching me thru the peephole. Yoongi and I talk for about an hour, he tells me that I have been doing really good and that he will reinstate my drivers license so that I can get to and from work. We talk about my job and how everyone at the daycare says that I am doing a great job. I pee in the cup and hand it back to him. I need to take court ordered urine tests so that the judge knows I am staying clean.  

I walk him to the door and show him out. When I see him walk into the elevator I decide to knock on the brothers door but before I do I hear loud music and woman's laughter. My heart drops but I knock anyway. When Tae opens the door the first thing I see is Jungkook sitting with a woman on his lap and another woman almost half naked sitting on the chair. Tae is shirtless and has bite marks on his chest. Tears spring to my eyes and I look at Tae, backing up slowly into my apartment and shutting the door on his smug smile.

I slide down to the floor and cry my eyes out. What happened, why are they doing this. I knew it would happen. I knew they would get tired of being with just one person. Maybe they finally told their dad about us and he is against it. I lay in bed, crying my eyes out. Once again I give someone my heart and they just abuse it. The brothers act cold and heartless toward me over the next week. A new person in their apartment every night, blaring their music and laughing. They ignore me like I never existed. They don't realize they are slowly ripping me apart, they are truly killing me. 

Exiting the elevator after work, I see Taehyung making out with a guy against my door. "Get away from door", I say, not looking at him. He laughs evilly, "oh sorry, we didn't realize did we baby." Tae calling that guy baby finally pushes me over the edge. With all my might I push him till he falls backwards onto his ass. "I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU BOTH SO FUCKING MUCH, I KNEW YOU WOULD BREAK MY HEART, FUCK YOU BOTH. I HATE THAT I EVER LOVED EITHER OF YOU. GO TO HELL ASSHOLES." 

I push into my apartment and slam my door. Tae pounds on the door, "YOU FUCKING DID THIS, YOU LET ANOTHER MAN IN YOUR APARTMENT, YOU BROKE OUR HEARTS FIRST." I fall to the ground, that's why they are acting this way. They think Yoongi is, oh my god. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I can't take this anymore I can't watch them be with other people when I didn't do anything wrong. I can't take the hate in their eyes when they look at me, the venom in their voice when it's aimed at me. I find my phone and call the only two people who love and understand me, changing my clothes I wait for them outside. When they pull up I get into the car and don't look back.


When he slams the door shut I feel empty and horrible inside. I get up off the floor, tears streaming down my face and bang on his door yelling for him. The guy I am with pushes me back into my apartment, "what the hell is wrong with you. Who is that guy." We took this way to far. I look at Jungkook, "I don't think we should do this anymore, something isnt right." "He cheated on us, without a care in the world, without a thought to what we had so forget him and have fun", Jungkook says groping the woman he was holding. I still feel a tug in my heart but go with it. Jungkook is right he didn't think of us inviting that guy back over to his place, I thought we were enough for him. 

The next day I didn't have court, so I waited to hear Jin's door open, I needed to see him and ask him who that man is but I never heard him come or go. At noon I hear a knock on my door. "Namjoon, how are you", I ask. "Have you seen Jin today", he asks worriedly. "Last time I saw him was last night. Why what's going on", I ask trying to keep calm. "He isn't answering his phone, he isn't in his apartment, he didn't come to work this morning. I'm just afraid that", Namjoon stopped talking. "Afraid of what", I ask afraid to hear the answer. 

"Afraid that he will go back to his old ways. I have to go, I have to look for him. Here is my number, if he comes home please call me. Do you have Jin's number", he asks sounding frantic. "Yes, I'll try to contact him", I say. "Thank you so much", he starts to sob and walks away. I shut the door in shock. What did I do, is this my fault. We have been with him exclusively for weeks now, we didn't want anyone else and the first time we suspect something is wrong we turn on him. I can honestly say that I have fallen in love with Jin. Looking at his number in my phone, I hit the call button. It rings and rings then goes to voicemail, "it's Taehyung, please call me." 

When Jungkook gets home he throws his briefcase on the couch, "let's go out, we should get laid for real." I look at him, anger in my eyes. "Go if you really think you need to get laid. Jin is missing and it's our fault because we are fucking assholes", I yell at him. "Missing, what the fuck do you mean missing", he opens our door and starts to bang on Jin's door. "Jungkook stop, he isn't there. Namjoon came by earlier, he isn't answering his phone and he didn't show up for work. He's gone, and Namjoon made it sound like Jin has a tendency to get into trouble so I am worried", I say sitting with my head in my hands.


Over the next few days we try calling Jin. We have even been driving around to see if we could spot him anywhere. Even going to a few of the clubs around town but still don't see him.  Driving back home Tae sighs, "you okay." "No Kook, I'm not, I'm scared, I'm scared that the only person I have ever felt anything for might be dead in a ditch somewhere or with someone who is treating him badly. I wish I knew where he was", he cries, tears streaming down his face. 

I place my hand on his shoulder, "I know Tae, I'm scared to, we will find him." "You're scared, why", he asks me. "Because I love him too. How can I not, he is everything I ever wanted and the fact that he wants us both makes him even more perfect", I say trying to hold in my tears. We ride the elevator up to our floor and we see a guy knocking on Jin's door. "He's not there", I say. When he turns to look at us Tae steps forward, "you are the guy that was here about a week ago right." "Yes, I am Seokjin's parole officer, I see him every week, Do you know where he is", the guy says pushing his glasses up on his nose. 

Tae and I look at each other confused. "He is out with his brother, but we can tell him you stopped by", I tell him. "Thank you, that would very helpful. Tell him to give me a call, he really shouldn't be missing appointments, he could get into big trouble with the judge", the man says walking away. "Parole officer, what the fuck has Jin gotten himself into. What did we do, I thought he was, I didn't know who he was and I just assumed. Oh god I assumed, not even bothering to ask him and now", Tae cries, pulling at his hair. "Let's see if we can find his record in the database", I say unlocking our door and grabbing my laptop. I look up his name in the federal database and his record comes up. "Holy shit, our sweet baby, isnt so sweet", I say.

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