Chapter 2

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A/N Here is how I imagine Nat as a Doctor, but with a doctor coat instead of a jacket.


Here I am. Back to Dr. Romanoff's office.

And this time, I feel bad. My period is still painful. Less painful than usual, the pain must have been reduced by half thanks to the medication. But it's still a terrible pain. I'm walking half curled up, it's hard for me to move and my head really hurts.

I arrive in front of the counter of Dr. Romanoff's assistant, Wanda Maximoff, with whom I had chatted a little at the end of my first appointment and who had been very pleasant.

At first sight, she is a reserved person, but she opens herself easily when she feels safe. And when I think about the warm smiles she gave me, I guess she feels safe with me.

Same for me Wanda.

Today, she is wearing a burgundy red blouse, a color that suits her remarkably well as it highlights her beautiful green eyes. I am bewitched by her eyes. She underlined them with a black eyeliner, which makes them stand out even more. To dive my glance into hers relieves me for a short moment, then the pain starts again.

"Miss Y/L/N! What's going on?" she asks, quickly getting up from her chair to come support me.

I must look really bad right now.

"The... the Doctor told me to take..." I am interrupted by a cramp stronger than the others, letting out a little groan.

She takes me to the empty waiting room -as I am the last patient of the morning- where she sits me down on a chair.

"To take a new appointment during my period" I continue, as sitting makes me feel slightly better "to see if the treatment was working."

"And apparently, not really," she whispers, rubbing my shoulder. "I saw that you had an appointment in ten minutes but the Doctor has already finished her last consultation. I'll call her to come see you as fast as possible."

I smile to her, with eyes i want to be grateful, hopping she can see something else than tiredness and pain in them. Giving me my smile back, she then almost runs, even though she is in heels, to Doctor Romanoff's office.

Natasha Romanoff's office.

Natasha. I love that name. It suits her so well. Strength meeting softness and elegance.

As I groan in pain in my chair, crying, curled up, clutching my stomach and looking at my feet, I hear the sound of her heels clicking on the floor, at a faster pace than last time, showing that she is hurrying to get to me.

She enters the waiting room, but I don't look at her, too focused on my pain. She walks in front of me and crouches down. She puts her left hand on my knee and gently lifts my chin with the other one, so she can see my face, dripping with tears.

"It's gonna be okay." she mumbles in a soft voice, stroking my cheek and making little circles with her thumb on my clothed thigh. It's the second time yet, I think I will have to get used to this. To her soft hand rubbing my thigh. But I am really okay with this. Her touch is so soothing, she puts the right pressure on it. She seems to perfectly combine intensity and tenderness in each of her movements.

And her eyes. There was so much compassion in her eyes. I also look at her lips, which I would kiss harshly if I listened to myself. This beautiful woman in this white coat is definitely making an impression on me.

When I see her simple black t-shirt and jeans, I can't help but imagine what this sculpted body would look like without any clothes.

I get lost in my thoughts and in her gaze and when she feels I've finally calmed down, she gets up and helps me to stand up by taking my hands.

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