Chapter 3

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As I leave the office, I smile at Wanda, who is on the phone and waves goodbye. Then I go out in the street, the air fills my lungs and caresses my skin. The freshness on my body gives me the strange sensation of being able to perceive again the places where Doctor Romanoff had touched me a few minutes before. It's as if every cell in me remembers the warmth of her hands and the way she put them on me.

I smiled, remembering the few words we had exchanged. And her smile. So discreet and gentle, but so expressive. You might think she was distant at first, but that smile and those penetrating eyes said something else.

The fact is that the analysis does not go only in one direction, she is not the only one to study me, I do as much with her. I try to see beyond this facade that she builds for herself, and I it looks like she kind of allow me to do it.

As I walk across the street, I think of Wanda, her sparkling eyes and warm smile. I have less contact with her, but I also find her very ... interesting?

Her presence is very comforting and reassuring. I have the feeling she has directly understood who I was and how to make me feel comfortable, as if she read me like an open book. It's almost intimidating.

Natasha -let's call her that- seems to be constantly analyzing me, as if every move I make and every word I say tells her more about me. Some might think it's not nice to feel watched like that, but I like it. I want her to know more about me, just like I want to know more about her. And she seems so caring, so understanding. Strangely, I'm not afraid of her judgment, whereas with her self-assured aspect, confident walk, and face that may seem pretty cold at first, she might seem unpleasant.

I keep thinking about the few exchanges we had as I head to Starbucks. Natasha told me to get something to eat directly on my way out and I don't feel like going any further. It's almost across the street from her building and seems to open its arms to me and my exhausted body. But the fact is I'm not hungry or really thirsty. I'll force myself to drink a tea anyway. And then, she will never know I have not eaten anything.

And if she knew, what would she do? Punish me?

I like the idea.

I enter the coffee shop and walk up to the counter. The barista is a man in his twenties, a little older than me maybe. He looks me up and down and smiles at me. Unfortunately this dude, I'm not interested in him -or in any other human being with penis- and I'm not in the mood to let him seduce me as a game.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

"Black tea."

His look bothers me so much that I don't even take the time to be polite as I want to get this conversation over as fast as possible.

"And with that, beautiful?"

The audacity!

"That will be all." I answer as coldly as possible.

He still seems not to receive the message and continues to smile, looking dumb. God, I love women.

I pay and go to wait for my drink at the other end of the counter, which I hold on to with one hand, I feel weak and a headache is coming on. Despite the distance, I still feel him staring, which is really annoying. I lower my head, trying to ignore it and deal with the pain.

Suddenly, I hear the coffee shop door open and the sound of heels clicking on the floor. I would have known them anywhere. And that smell. It's a bit far, but I can still recognize that floral, light but subtly peppery scent. It's complicated to describe, but I really like it. It fits her character well. It smells like Natasha Romanoff should smells.

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