Chapter 4

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"More Natasha, please!" I scream as she is playing with my breasts, pinching my nipples and slapping them. "You always want more huh?" she says as she takes my nipple in her mouth and starts sucking on it while rubbing my clit with her thumb. I breathe quickly, my eyes are closed and my hands are gripping the sheets while her hands and mouth do a fantastic job on my body.

"You like that princess, huh?" she whispers in my ear as she slaps my cunt. I nod fastly and she then kisses me roughly with her tongue clearly having the domination as I am too much of a mess to control any part of my body. She teases my entrance and enters fingers in me. "Gosh, you are amazing." I scream as I am at the edge.

"Wanna see what is even more amazing?

I nod and ...

I wake up startled and sweaty, breathing heavily. A strange feeling is inside me, a mix of excitement, desire and deep sadness and pain, knowing that this dream would never be a reality. Ironically, I think of Cinderella singing The dream that you wish will come true.

My ass. Which bitch believes that, seriously?

I sit there for a few seconds, coming back to my senses and finding the same despair as the day before, and as this morning.

After Natasha left the Starbucks, I left about half an hour later, not having found the strength to move before, and I walked home. The walk is supposed to be no longer than 30 minutes but it must have taken me two hours to get there, never stopping to think about how silly I was to be able to imagine Natasha liked me even a little. After all, she is a goddess with emerald eyes and flame hair, elegant and beautiful, smart and a doctor may I had.

And finally who am I? Me. I am me. Y/N.

No wonder she doesn't like me, she can have all the women and men at her feet. Besides, who knows if she's attracted to women?

I deluded myself, like a poor desperate girl. I fell in love and like a fool I believed that something could happen.

The whole night I kept telling myself how stupid I had been, not being able to sleep. Then I finally fell asleep around 6am, more exhausted by all the emotions I had felt than by the unbearable belly pain of the morning before. In fact, it was another pain that had me tired, one that Natasha couldn't cure but that she had caused without even knowing.

I got up slowly and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and black, the tears having run off the mascara I had forgotten to remove yesterday. As soon as I got home, I threw myself into bed and the fact is, I still haven't eaten anything. Natasha, or let's get back to Dr. Romanoff, since we're not that intimate apparently, would certainly teach me a lesson if she knew that. But she'll never know, I don't plan on going back to her anyway. I'm going to find another doctor. Going back to her office would be too painful and ambiguous to me.

I go into the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. Then my afternoon consists of snacking, sleeping on my couch and watching a show. Around 7pm, I realize how distressing it is to lament on my fate so much and as a proud single woman, I finally decide to go out. That's why I'm now wearing a sexy dress. After spending half an hour doing my makeup, I put on the highest heels I own and brush my hair then look in the mirror.

Natasha Romanoff doesn't know what she's missing.

When I leave my building, people look at me on the street. Usually I would hate it but at this moment I feel my little ego slowly coming back. I head to a bar fifteen minutes walk away from my house, which I know is mainly frequented by girls. I go in, sit at the bar and order a Gin Tonic. The evening has in fact two goals: drink to forget and find a pretty girl ... to forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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