a munson package pt.1

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-mentions of drugs and slight usage of profanity.

"Why don't you come out of your house often?" Eddie reluctantly asked a provocative question and he acknowledges that your ears will perk up from an alarming inquiry about your secluded life.

As Eddie waited for an answer, the sound of cicadas mumbling and twigs being snapped by the shoes occupied the void you're uplifting.

You responded with a grimaced expression.

As what he expected it would be.

"Eddie, I'll rather rot and dwell inside of my house than to speak with people. You know how much I agonize social engagement.

"Then why are you conversing with me then?"

Eddie has been bombarding you with questions, but it feels genuine. It's like he has been storing these questions and has been waiting to attack them on you.

"I'm here for the drugs, Eddie."

"You could've remained silent and not answered my question, darling. "

He peeked through your side to glance for your reaction and ended with disappointment to discover you weren't swooned nor flattered with his tactics.

Nice try Eddie, I have crafted the perfect unbothered face to suppress any emotions. Although, my heart contracted longer than it should be.

"Y/N, you certainly mastered the art of muscle movements."
Eddie was trying to occupy any silence attempting to pester the atmosphere.

You somehow felt bad for him, he has been lifting this conversation. You haven't contributed a minuscule but if silence counts though.

"What do you mean?" You replied innocently, it's not like you don't know about your iconic unbothered face. Students of Hawkin's High call you the "Unbothered One" for a reason.

"You're the unbothered one." Eddie chuckled, a smile being apparent on his face. "I recalled when a school fight was held in the school cafeteria, and you were just munching that cardboard pizza while everyone was clutched into the crowd. "

"Hmm. I do stand out." You replied laughing.

"It was cool of you, you don't care about people's shit."

Eddie escorted you to sit on a bench with picnic tables attached to the front.

As he take out a tin box you slid your fingers to your thighs contemplating to continue or think of a reason to leave.

The unbothered agreed to receive drugs from the satanic freak, a duo indeed.

"Okay, what do you want sweetheart?" Raising his voice on the last word he left.

You left your head hung unable to respond.

It's mortifying to say you wanted nothing from him anymore. Maybe drugs won't satisfy your hunger for happiness, but you felt bad for wasting Eddie's energy on escorting you to this remote area. You're probably scared, it's your first time.

Shit, what should I do?


Eddie sat beside you.

"You know Y/N, you won't buy drugs without a reason. I know you don't do drugs, you're a good girl."

"Using drugs won't make you a bad person, Munson."

"Y/N is telling facts." Eddie replied patting your head in amusement. "So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"


"C'mon, it's not like I'm going to bite you."

"Okay, okay." You surrendered. "I'm just tired and all.."

"Yeah, life has been fucking with us."

You hummed in response.

"Is that why you wanted to buy these from me?" Pointing at the tin box.

"Yeah, I heard it washes unhappiness."

"Stand up, we're going somewhere."

"Huh, why?"

"To experience fun."

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