warmth of cold pt. 2.2 (last pt)

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"Looks like it's just you and me."

Eddie increases his flirtatious endeavors, maybe because of the thought of the two of us alone. Eddie leaving remarks about us being only together inside of my own house are still intact, resulting in my head spinning around ferociously.

The moon implemented a curfew to rather sleep earlier. It was awake before a frenzy of preoccupied father's finished their snow eradication. This has affected Eddie, and what affected him more abiding by the provision.

"Are we really sleeping at 7:30 pm, Y/N?"

"That's the least we can do to combat the cold."

"Can we do something else?"

"Eddie, we literally finished eating dinner. What do you even want to do."

You contemplated him saying something cheesy.


You were disappointed, You speculated he'd stay to continue your delusional adventures, but it's you who insisted to sleep early.

"Jesus Eddie, it's frigid outside. My house my rules."

Eddie was forced to sleep in your room. You insisted to sleep in the master's bedroom. He wanted to stay with you longer, but to your command, he can't.

Upon entering, the story yours were revealed. The bed is profusely secluded with stuffed animals. The quilted mattress perfectly lies down, obvious it is always cleaned after jolting upwards in the morning.

He was then captured by the shelves filled with cassette tapes of The Smiths.

Jesus Y/N, your music taste...

Eddie reluctantly placed himself on the bed, felt like invading your privacy. He scooted the stuffed animals on his left, to avoid crunching them with his body.

He can't sleep- no nocturnal sleep before midnight, adherents agree.

Cigarettes and Y/N.. are all I need tonight.

Quietly opening the door, to his surprise an alike reverberating creaking sound was heard across the room.

"Eddie, why are you still awake?"

"Do you really have the notion of me sleeping at this hour?"

"I'll make hot cocoa." Gripping his wrists, compensating for his flirtatious events. Eddie smirked at your sudden bravery.

Both acknowledge the spark and tension. You like it.

You made hot cocoa, sitting with Eddie who's excited about his request for extra marshmallows.

The tension is retrieved.

Your loose Pacman shirt quietly revealed your shoulders matched with ruffled hair made him go crazy.

"Adorable..." Eddie blurted. You heard him, yet did not make any reaction to heighten the feeling. Mortified, he cleared his throat.

"So Y/N weren't you surprised by my academic supplies, the books, and papers..."

"I do, never thought Munson would cooperate."

"Ouch..." Eddie exaggeratingly threw himself grasping his chest in fraudulent pain.

"Just kidding Eddie, I appreciate your accomplice."

Eddie sat down, gazing at your eyes, still lingering the dew of the words you left.

Is it this time already?

A blooming sensation touched each other's lips- a genuine touch traced in melody. Eddie was smirking along, you were stiff hesitant to respond.

"I never knew Y/N gives good kisses."

Eddie moved his body closer, nudging your shoulders obliging you to lay down. Eddie tilted his head followed by a torrid placement of lips. You weakly resigned following along. Hitching breath, tinted cheeks and suggestive hands cooperated concluding an overwhelming night for Eddie and You.

"I forgive your music taste because of this

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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