183 8 0


Feb 24, 2014

08:00 pm

After the video, there was a round of screams and insults to the mask anti-hero/mercenary/gang leader.

So now, the Leaguers were putting a price on his head, for tainting their nephews and nieces.

- I know them very well. What I do not understand is why would they interact with such a person? - Martian Manhunter asked.

- Hera! What are those bags? - Wonder Woman asked.

- The Bags were filled with white processed sugar, as for why, when I confronted them, they said that he was their friend and was like family - Batman said, stoic, but for those who knew him, you could tell he was furious.

- How can they consider such a person family? - Aquaman said.

- I think they're acting out - Green Arrow pointed.

- You think? - Green lantern asked.

- Roy was similar. When he found out he was a clone, he acted completely detached from me. He still is. He refuses help and even talking to me - Green Arrow said.

- Yes, but they aren't clones - Hawkwoman said.

- No, but they did lose a brother - Hawkman said.

- Remember Roy quit being my sidekick, and went on his own before the whole clone problem. They are just acting out because of their loss - Said Green Arrow.

- We all have lost people. That does not give them an excuse to go to a killer - Aquaman said.

- Maybe not, but I agree with Oliver. They're just making a tantrum, calling for attention - Flash said.

- Why would you think that? Jason passed more than a year ago, so why would they be reacting now of all times? - Superman asked.

- According to Wally, Bruce hasn't been exactly helping them with their grief. - Flash said.

- And giving Dinah their training is not helping either. - Said Green Arrow.

- What do you mean? - Wonder Woman asked.

- Don't you guys know? - Flash asked. The others just shook their heads, so he answered - According to Wally, after Jason's death, he forbid almost all outings, including sleep-overs or even the mall. He stopped having meals with the kids, and is always either working or out as Batman. - Flash said.

- Dick has been taking over the patrol with the younger ones, and also the training. And at Mount Justice, Bruce barely talks to them... and that is when he is giving instructions for a mission. - Green Arrow said. Artemis had told them the hole gossip.

- Dick is also taking over in school activities that requires parents. - Flash said - Teacher conferences, going to the younger ones' school performances, soccer matches, even pickups for when one of them is sick. -

- Bruce, is that true? - Superman asked, eyes widen. He knew that Batman loved his children more that anything. He wouldn't be neglecting them for no reason.

Finally Dinah talked. She has been listening, but it was time for her to put in a word. - That matches what Nightwing, Oracle, Spoiler, Black Bat and Red Robin told me - They all looked at her - I have been giving counselling since Jason's death, and to the others as well. After he passed they were crushed, I asked Bruce to talk to them and be there for them. But he didn't. He just made more rules and tighten their days, so they won't go outside. -

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