
Jul 28, 2018

08:00 am

All the core Leaguers except Batman were at the meeting. Batman hadn't left Gotham since the Reach two years ago. So, they were having trouble bringing him here. But even Superman and Wonder Woman came back to the planet.

Black Lightning and Red Tornado were also there. No point in keeping them in the dark when they already knew about them.

- Are you telling me, they were trapped by the light, for four years, AND WE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT! - Screamed Wonder Woman.

They were in the conference room, discussing how to handle the omega kids. Well, more on the line of how did they let this happen.

- We didn't know Diana, I'm upset too, but they keep it very quiet. We only found them by chance. - Black Canary told her.

- We manage to get just in time, otherwise we would have miss them. - Said Black Lighting.

- Does Bruce know yet? - Superman asked.

- We tried... but refused to listen to us. - Said Green Arrow.

- We tried to get him here, but you know him, maybe he'll listen to you. - Flash said.

- What about the kids, can we wake them up? - Asked Green Lantern (Hal).

- No yet, we must wait. They have been too long in stasis. If we just pull them out, it will hurt them. - Martian Manhunter told them.

- If that is the case, we must get ready the Med Bay for them. - Said Red Tornado.

- What about The Team, and Roy. They will want to know. - Aquaman (Kaldur) Said.

- I do believe we should wait for Batman before we tell them anything. - Hawkman said.

- I only mean the original members, we are closest with them. - Said Aquaman.

- I believe that Batman as their guardian should be the one to say that. - Said Red Tornado.

- We must bear in mind that this are not only children, when they wake up they will have Omega level powers. They might be dangerous to those around them and themselves. - Said Hawkwoman.

- They would never put anyone in danger. - Aquaman said.

- No on purpose, but they might not even know about their abilities. As much as it pains me, we all remember what happened in the Fail-Safe exercise. M'Gann didn't and would never have done it on purpose, but the accident did happened. - Said Martian Manhunter.

- That is true, when I first got my powers, it was a little... chaotic. - Said Black Lightning.

- True, when I was a child, I accidentally destroyed a lot of doors, and each time I had a nightmare Ma and Pa had to fix the holes in the ceiling. - Superman added.

- They can't leave until I make sure they are completely pass the aftereffects of the prolong stasis, we can test their abilities then, not before. - Martian Manhunter said. As the League doctor, he had the last word.

- Alright. J'onn, how long will it take for them to wake up? - Wonder Woman asked.

- Two weeks, maybe three. - Martian Manhunter answered.

- Get it started, Diana and I will get Bruce. Have always at least two of us in the Watchtower, just in case the Light gets any ideas. - Superman said.

They all nodded and left their different way. Superman and Wonder Woman changed and went out in a Ztube in Gotham, walking turds the Manor. Using the time to think what they would tell the broody hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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