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Ever since the appearance of the creatures, the government has been a lot more on edge. The government basically forced everyone to stay indoors.
Apparently, no villains were involved in this 'crisis'. Neither were they being created in a lab. They just sort of appeared.
Many parents prevented children from going outside, especially my mom. She would barely let me leave the house at all unless it was for school.
How annoying.
I looked over at my mother, who was preparing to leave for a doctor's appointment.
"Alright (Y/N), remember not to open the door for anyone, call 911 if you see anything, ok?"
"Alright." I responded. She's said this like, 15 times already.
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I wait for her to leave, so I can visit my favourite forest. The forest is lavish, filled with colour everywhere you turn. It's also very peaceful, I like going there.
I wonder if the creatures will appear in the forest. Probably not, but it would be nice to see one of them.
I entered the forest, looking around at the favourable place. The air here felt... different though. I didn't think much of it, and just decided to sit down.
Honestly, nothing beats sitting down and listening to the voices of the forest. Even that rustling in the bush beside me is comforting.
Since when did something live in that bush?
I looked towards the bush. A lightning shaped tail was poking out of it.
What the?
I slowly backed away. Is it a new animal? Or is it one of the quirked creatures? I paled at the thought. I didn't expect to meet one so soon!
The bush stopped rustling, then something started coming out of it.
I cautiously took a step back as the creature slowly approached me.
It's... small.
"Pika pika?"
I stared at the creature. It stared back. Awkwardly, I waved my hand at the creature.
"Pika!" The creature slowly came over to me. It looks similar to the creature that I saw last week.
What if it is?
"Are you the creature who saved me last week?" I asked the creature. The creature nodded.
"Pikachu!" It says, pointing at itself.
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"Pikachu? Is that your name?" I asked, Pikachu nodded.
"Can you say anything else?" I asked. Pikachu looked at me, confused.
"Pika pika?"
"I'll take that as a no then." I said, getting up on my feet. I wonder if I should take it home with me. Mother may find out, but honestly, the creature's cute. I like it
"Pikachu, would you like to come home with me?" I asked. Pikachu looked up at me, before smiling.
I smiled. For some reason, it felt as if it had said yes.
"Alright! Let's go!" I said. Pikachu climbed onto my shoulder, and as soon as it was in a comfortable position, I set off.
However, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.
I turned my head to the direction of the sound, but nothing was there. Strange.
"Pika?" Pikachu questioned.
"It's nothing." I reassured, continuing to walk.
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