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Extra Chapter 4 - Hero Association

There were a lot of thoughts the leader of the Hero Commission had upon entering the meeting room and meeting with one of their largest investors sitting within it

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There were a lot of thoughts the leader of the Hero Commission had upon entering the meeting room and meeting with one of their largest investors sitting within it.

"Good morning ma'am." He had waved to her, his smile supposing meant to be inviting. But she knew better.

"Good morning to you too, Giovanni." She responded, taking a seat on one of the lavish couches within the room, carefully eyeing the man in front of her. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"You see, we have matters to discuss." The man had said, snapping his fingers. A grunt approached, bringing a laptop for the man and opening it for him. A picture of (Y/N) was on the screen.

"This was the girl you had been talking about beforehand, correct?" Giovanni inquired. The woman nodded, raising an eyebrow as she silently questioned where this was going. She had already given him that information, right?

"I see." Giovanni smiled, but it was one filled with malice. It could almost suit him, if not for how frightening it was to her.

"The problem here is that the Pokémon were creatures which were supposed to remain a secret, isn't that right?" The president narrowed her eyes. She knew about the deal. The Heroes supply funds and materials for Team Rocket, and Team Rocket was to experiment on them, find out where they had come from, and either do two things.

One. Find a way to get them under proper control.

Two. Exterminate every last one of them, until they were sure that not one of them remained in the world.

That was the plan, however, (Y/N) (L/N), Flame and the Pokémon association as a whole had thrown a wrench in those plans. Making the creatures public was something that was a massive error once again, and the Hero association is something that can no longer be associated with such a plan, otherwise, the age of heroes might end, and society will be in ruins.

(Y/N) (L/N). She doesn't even know just how much turmoil she has put the president in.

"I understand that, Giovanni. However, with how big the population of the Pokémon has gotten, as well as the introduction of (L/N) (Y/N) into the picture, it was inevitable that the Pokémon would have been put into the spotlight once again." She responded, her eyes still narrowed.

Giovanni simply stared at her for a good second.

"Either way, even if the Pokémon have been thrusted into the spotlight, the goal does not change, and neither will our plans" Giovanni responded. The president narrowed her eyes at him more, questioning what he was insinuating.

"That's the thing, Giovanni." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she took a sip of her coffee that was left on the table.

"As the leader of the hero association, we can no longer associate ourselves with these plans." She said, "If we continue to do so, then the age of heroes as we know it will end due to the backlash we shall receive. I hope you understand that." She sighed, padding down her dress.

Giovanni 's face had suddenly gone blank. Eerily so, as he didn't even emote for a good second.

"How bothersome" Giovanni muttered, as the president rose an eyebrow.

"The thing is, even if you withdraw now, you're too deep to get out of this." The president narrowed her eyes, now on the edge of her seat as she stared at Giovanni.

"What do you mean?" She demanded. A smirk was on Giovanni's face, as he pulled up sheets of paper.

"These are all of your transactions with me. Even if you attempt to disassociate with us to save face, you will not escape our grasp." Giovanni explained, as the president's eyes widened, quickly standing up from her seat.


"Even now, I have voice recordings of all our meetings, every transaction to our company, every letter of update, everything." Giovanni smirked, getting up from his seat as he stared the leader down.

"So even if you attempt to disassociate the hero association from Team Rocket, we shall just come back to ruin everything you have built up." Giovanni crossed his arms, a grim look on his face, as the president's face could only consist of one thing.

Pure, unbridled shock.

"How!? We have made every precaution to make sure that not even the smallest of spy gear can infiltrate this place!"

"Oh, Team Rocket has subordinates everywhere in Japan. Heroes are part of Team Rocket, Hero organizations, I-Island, even some of your workers here are part of team Rocket." Giovanni just continued to give her information, staring her down as she could only feel more and more powerless, despite having the power of all Japanese force at her hands.

"Anyways. I must thank you for giving me this opportunity to lay everything out for you." Giovanni got up, closing his laptop and taking it with him. The president could only stare, clenching her teeth as she reached out to Giovanni for a good second.

Before hesitating, withdrawing her arm. She knows she can't speak out about it. Again, it would just lead to the end of the age of heroes as they know it. She knows Giovanni isn't afraid to go through with his words to bring heroes down alongside him.

"Damn it..." She sat back down at her chair, sighing.

She has made a mistake. One she knows she cannot remedy.

 One she knows she cannot remedy

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