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izumi didn't mind having attention given to her. she likes to think she has a pretty face, nothing to complain about really if she'd ignore her second thoughts. life was alright, friends with fun personalities. attention from people who found her beautiful.

the thing she lacked was something to strive for, she didn't really understand love except that when you were pretty and behaved alright you were excepted. a parents love was earned by;
no talking back, don't do anything crazy, be more like this person, don't do what they did, get good grades and have a safe social life.

izumi had all of that and was within expectations. you'd think it'd be easy and she'd be happy. but life's not simple and when it is, it's really boring.

suna rintarou was the new middle blocker with the 'I don't really care' attitude. he's handsome and cool. but when izumi showed her interest in him, he really didn't care. so when izumi was faced with the rare challenge she couldn't help but attack it head on.

she cheered for him directly during games, found his social media via stalking her classmate, akagi. turns out he was really funny.

a few weeks of talking and dms lead to hanging out. their first date izumi realized that maybe suna really didn't give a shit about growing this relationship with her.

so she lied to him, gave him little lies to make herself seem interesting to him or lies that made her seem different than the usual. she knew he liked the tad bit of drama so she fed him lies and slowly manifested into her lies.

her attitude changed a lot but that didn't matter cause she had suna intrigued.

"people keep hitting on me, it's annoying." izumi said one night they were hanging out at a park.

"can't be helped that you're pretty." suna said scrolling on his phone. he didn't see her blush.

"we should date, i don't like the attention and you don't like rejecting people." she rushed out, feigning fixing her shoe laces. she realized too late that she made herself hard to reject. suna was looking at her but didn't say anything. "it's beneficial for us but like... I might not pique your interests enough to keep you entertained."

"sure? I don't mind." suna said.

that night suna walked her home with her hand in his. izumi's heart was going crazy. she finally had him and the chasing game would only continue.

but when the chaser gets exhausted, the runner only gets further. izumi always made the first moves, suna always just went along with it.

izumi always introduced suna to people, she always asked him out on dates and always kept lying about things that never happened just to try get a reaction out of him.

she realized how obsessed she was with chasing this guy when she applied makeup to herself to be a hickey. she cried outside his place before faking other things to his face. he looked fed up. annoyed.

izumi was shaking with disgust with herself but to mask that she pounced on him, he went along with it.


izumi started seeing suna more but this time with yoshioka. he looked content with her and she recognized his real smile. his foxy grin he had when something really funny or interesting happened.

it wasn't just around school, yoshioka had met mai already. izumi only met mai when she came over one night unannounced, and from the looks of it. mai was way more impressed with yoshioka than she was with izumi.

but that's okay. izumi didn't hate yoshioka, she didn't hate suna. she hated herself. she hated what she became. there was something just so fun about running around circles for suna.

so when she approached yoshioka with half a plan in mind she was relieved to see how well yoshioka took it.

today she met suna after school and they walked to her house. suna didn't talk much and just listened to her talk about her university plans her dad is making her take. yeah some dry stuff but he listened and nodded so that's what counts. he listened to what she had to say.

once they were on izumis couch, she didn't crawl to his side to cuddle. to this he actually looked at her with a slight confused eyebrow raise.


"yeah, izumi?"

oh, she loved when he said her name, for the first few months it was like he didn't even know it.

"we should breakup, right?"

suna's head slowly turned away from his phone. he didn't look particularly sad.

"i... was thinking that."


izumi laughed a bit, "yeah? what's your reason." she didn't feel the need to cry, how would she when she knew it was gonna happen eventually, tears were shed earlier in preparation.

"you're graduating, and moving. and, i'll be here with some people..." yeah, some one. "you'll be out there with some other people, you know...?"

no she didn't know, she had no clue what was going to happen once she moved.

"yeah i get it, that's kind of my reason too. of course the other reason being your 'someone." suna nodded and silence fell upon them.

"wait-" there we go rintaro. "my someone?"

"yeah, your someone." she smiled a cheeky smile. and for the first time, she saw a reaction she never would've expected in this situation.

suna rintaros cheeks were slightly pink, the tips of his ears were a shy red.

izumi laughed so hard tears were brought to her eyes. tears of what emotion?


suna had been in a little daze, it was thursday afternoon and he was watching the back of yoshiokas head. he felt creepy yes but he enjoyed watching her. her hands while she wrote. her uniform moving with her breathing. he puff out laughs when she'd not so sneakily go on her phone under the desk.

he didn't have anything to bother her with since he finished his exam with a hopeful passing mark since he has been learning from her. he could've skipped but sitting in class watching the clouds or watching yoshioka was fun.

he knew what izumi was implying, kind of. it was the itch at the back of his mind anytime he hung out or talked with yoshioka. he enjoyed being in her company felt a certain way. he had some feelings for her. some deep stuff.

it was different from when he had izumi, obviously. it's not to say be didnt enjoy being with izumi and didn't care for her but. this is more than being good friends.

suna didn't realize before that this fluffiness in his chest was what you'd call, a crush? love? eh some weird stuff anyway, he doesn't like to think too hard about it. he likes her.

ah yes, projecting on a character always brings some spice.
school szn is back kiddies good luck to you all!
thank you for reading and take care of yourself
have a good day/night 🤍

word count: 1158

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