💫 Like a date

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Warnings: none
Description: Steve and robin are working at family video when you walk in and both are totally crushing on you
It was a gloomy, dark Novembers day in Hawkins. Robin leaned her elbows on the counter at family videos as Steve walked about the dimly lit isles flicking through the countless movies on display. It had been a slow day and both teens where waiting till the clock struck 6:30pm so they could head home after being stuck in their minimum wage job for the majority of the day.
Just then, I walked in, hair windswept and glad to be out of the cold, wishing I'd worn some extra layers and thought ahead. Both Robin and Steve where alerted to my presence by the bell as I entered and looked at me with wide eyes, I knew I looked good in my (favourite outfit) today but damn.
I smiled gently and wandered in towards the shelves looking for a good movie to spend the rest of my night watching, but not before taking a glance and the tall brunette haired girl (who I vaguely recognised as a crush id had from mrs. Clicks sophomore history class, but a bit more grown up) stood behind the counter, not really acknowledging the infamous Steve 'the hair' Harrington I'd known to be such a douche while in high school who was stood still staring next to her.
Both Robin and Steve looked up at me and then each other as I sauntered down the aisle looking at movies, mirroring the same awestruck look back at each other, before Steve winked at her and jogged after me, Robin rolling her eyes knowing she couldn't make a move of her own given she a) thought you where probably straight and b) this is the 80's for crying out loud (not to mention she struggled talking to those she was attracted to, finding that she just couldn't shut up in these scenarios).
As I was browsing the various selection of films I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to find the brown haired boy behind me.
"Hey there, I'm steve" he spoke. I looked him up and down finding it a little amusing that the once popular former 'chick magnet' would be trying to talk to me, honestly looking a little desperate and of course not remembering me from school. I decided to entertain his antics for a little while "I'm y/n" I smiled.
"I couldn't help but notice you seem like you need a little help finding a movie, I'm kinda an expert on these things. How about we meet up on at the weekend and I'll tell y'a all about it when I take you out for lunch" he smiled kindly. I cringed a little, this was not the same Steve Harrington I had once known, he seemed to have lost his cool,  not that I'd be interested in dating him anyway due to my lack of attraction to men as a whole. I smiled gently (feeling a little sorry for the awkward teen in front of me)before speaking "I'm sorry but your not exactly my type" he nodded understandingly, his smile faltering, before walking away and talking with the tall girl who'd caught my eye before.
"No luck?" She teased Steve as he plodded back over, he shook his head. " can you go over and talk to her, help her find a movie. I don't think I can face embarrassing myself anymore" he stated leaning on the counter with his head in his hands. Robin began to panic a little, she couldn't just leave me but she also couldn't go and talk to the y/n l/n, already knowing she'd make a mess of it. She started explaining to Steve that she couldn't do it but in the mean time I had picked a movie and where walking up to the counter she was leaning back against. Steve nodded to me, making Robin aware of my presence. She froze before turning around, "Hi, it's Robin right?" I spoke and she blushed furiously at even my voice, god she was beautiful. "H-hi, yes, yeah. Y/n?" she stuttered mentally slapping herself for the stutter in her voice. "Yeah! I was wondering, what do you think of this movie? Is it any good?" I questioned holding up a copy of 'the apartment'. "O-oh I love that film, yeah it's a romance/comedy it's amazing, It's British and it came out in the 60's it's totally brilliantly written. I would tell you all about it but I don't wanna spoil it for you" she gushed, shocking both Steve and herself with her ability to talk to me . "Well then I suppose I'll have to watch it and come back tomorrow to tell you all about it" I returned, handing her the tape and money. At this Robin blushed once more, which I smiled at, she was adorable. "Yeah-h, I'd like that" she spoke while handing you the tape back you both smiled at each other like total dorks for a minute before I found the courage to speak once more totally unsure of what i was about to say  "maybe we could hang out sometime and I could show you a few of my  favourites..." I questioned, hoping that she was a lesbian or at least wouldn't hate me for what I say next "...like a date"  I spoke in a quiet tone. Robin was a little taken aback but flushed red and nodded saying "I'd like that". I smiled at her response, relieved,  before taking out a pen and gesturing for her to write her number on my hand, which she did, with a little smiley face at the end. I grinned brightly before turning to leave waving at the pair on your way out.
Steve stood mouth agape at the encounter, while Robin gazed mesmerised with you, both not quite believing what had just happened. Robin couldn't wait to speak more to y/n this was the start of something good.

A/N hi this is the author! This is my first ever time writing so I hope it was ok for everyone, I'm hoping that by writing more it'll improve in quality. Please any tips and feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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