💫 dancing in the dark

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Warnings: fluff
Description: robin x reader hanging out with the older teens on top of family videos, where her Steve and Robin work.
They aren't dating at this point this is the start of their relationship.
It's pretty much dark outside, minus the thin layer of blue that remained on the skyline. Me, Robin, Steve, Nance, Jonathan and Eddie are all hanging out on top of family videos, me and Steve hung up some fairy lights and set up some bean bags and blankets earlier in the day while we where on break and robin was covering for us. It was pretty cozy up here and everyone's laughing and talking, it's such a peaceful atmosphere I love it.
We're all sat in a circle with nance and Jonathan sharing a bean bag, robins across from me and can't help but notice how her freckle covered nose scrunches slightly whenever she giggles, it's one of my favourite things about her. I've liked her for a while now but never had the courage to say anything, even though Steve keeps telling me to "shoot my shot", maybe he's right maybe tonight's the night. Everyone already knew I wasn't straight so that wasn't an issue, I just really hope robins the same.
Steve pulls himself up before heading to the speaker and turns it on, playing some light oldies music and offering his hand to eddie (I'd thought they'd been crushing on each other for a while now and it seems I'm correct) who gladly took his hand both of them giggling madly, even though they where both treating it as a joke I knew otherwise, and started slow dancing in the middle of the roof. Nancy and Jonathan both stood and started dancing with each other too, leaving only me and rob sat down still. Steve looked at me before nodding towards robin, I looked over at her and she looks back at me with a mesmerised stare. Nervously I stood and headed over to her before offering my hand, " would you like a dance M'lady" I say in my best British accent. "Well yes dear I would" she replies mimicking the accent. I pulled her up and she looks at me " I must warn you though I seriously have two left feet" she says (standing over me a little as she's taller) " it's all good I'll lead the way".
And with that we begin to dance, I can tell she's a little nervous but she seems ok. I have my arms dropped over her shoulders and she has her hands on my waist, following my steps as I go. I pull her in a little and she copies me, tension thick between us, I've never felt this strongly about someone before, everything else melts away. I look in her eyes and watch as they flicker from my eyes to my lips and back up. Taking this as a sign she feels the same, I pull her in. She's a little shocked by this but reacts quickly pulling me in at the waist, deepening the kiss. My thoughts are interrupted by the rest of the gang around us cheering at our encounter, I had almost forgot they where there. I look at Robin who's cheeks now have a light pink dusting on them, barely visible in the light of the fairy lights and giggle at the rest of the group, " that's enough guys, that's enough" I say, chuckling a little at robins awkward expression before pulling her down with me onto one of the larger bean bags, cuddling for warmth in the night and resuming our chatting with the rest of the group, hands interlaced and happier then ever.

A/n i don't know how to feel about this one, I wrote it at 1 am but I do love robin and I hope I got the idea across well enough !

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