~Chapter 1~

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~Reminder this story is only for fun I don't expect this to be good.~

~6:20 a.m.~

*Yawn* Another morning.. Might as well get ready for school before I miss the bus. Hmm what to wear?? Aha! Ill where this!

Noob chose a simplistic outfit for the day with just his white sneakers  and one of his hoodies. After choosing a outfit he changes, brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, packs his backpack and gets ready to leave on the bus. Except he was focused on putting away his stuff he had for breakfast to notice the time.

~6:38 a.m.~

AH (OOF) IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE BUS! HOLD ON WHERE'S MY PHONE?? OH THERE IT IS! *Dramatically sprints out the door* Huff huff.. I shouldn't have jinxed myself this morning.. "Hey Noob!" called out two synchronized familiar voices. "Oh Hey Bacon and Acorn, How are you?" Noob asked as he put down his backpack and sat down behind them. "Good! How about you?" they both responded. "I'm tired, I just sprinted out the door because I basely jinxed myself this morning." "Dang that sucks." said Acorn. "I know, I have no clue what is in store for us today but hopefully I don't die of boredom." "I know right? Algebra Is so boringggggg." replied Bacon. Just as they finish their brief conversation they pull up to the high school. Noob grabs his backpack and walked off the bus to the main entrance.

~*To be continued*~

Thanks for reading! 

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Huh? (High school AU) (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now