
19 2 3

It was a regular day. I was getting ready to go to sleep, and was really tired. I had a long day, and really tired. Just as I was about to hop into my bed, I got a notification on my phone. 

A notification from Duolingo. Reminding me to do my daily 15 minutes.

Oh shit. I can't believe I forgot.

I've been using Duolingo for about two years. I found it quite helpful, and enjoyed it. I also had a HUUUGE streak. But that might not be the case anymore. Today, I was so busy. So busy, that I forgot! The day was almost over, and it was quite late. I didn't have much time to save it...

    "There goes my streak, god damnit!" I threw my phone onto my bed in frustration. 

Maybe I could do it right before I decided to sleep? It was worth a shot. 

I thought about it for a while, but then decided, NAH.
  Why should I waste all my time on a stupid app?? It's not worth it, I should just go to bed.
I placed my phone on my nightstand, got into bed and forgot all about it. 

I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up with notifications. What the hell? It was like 2AM in the morning. Who was texting me right now? 

When I turned on my phone, I saw a bunch of notifications from... Duolingo!? They all read the same thing. 

    "Looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons. You know what happens now!!"

What? Is this a joke? I mean, I've seen memes of this shit happening, but why is it happening to me right now? I kept getting the same notification again and again. Is this supposed to happen? 

Suddenly, I heard a creaking noise from outside. Was that my back gate opening? DID I SERIOUSLY FORGET TO LOCK IT?? What's gonna happen to me..? Without thinking, I hid under my covers, closed my eyes and hoped that this was all in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2024 ⏰

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