Introduction: What is the Game?

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The Stevinel game is for people who pair these two romantically and those who don't or just views them platonically. If you're one of these people, your title would either be called Shippers or Breakers. Both can comment to get the two together or apart, whatever you comment in the pages will be seen from Steven and Spinel. Who will win!?

No harsh arguing in the comments, they will be deleted, this is all just a chill and fun game for people who ship Stevinel and the ones who don't or just see them as friends
Don't get too direct in the comments, that'll also be deleted as well, leave hints, give a challenge, get experimental
No making Steven or Spinel like someone else to win as a Breaker, your mission as either a Breaker or Shipper will be in your hands in the comments section, and whatever you comment should be for the two of them and them only

Make these two have feelings for each other until they confess

If you or the Breakers break their love, then it's away my folks... Unless you figure out a way to fix it back together!

Make these two either hate or friend zone each other until they fall apart

If you or the Shippers fix their love, then it's away my folks... Unless you figure out a way to break it back apart!

Note To Self;
Break or Ship the two before confession or rejection. Be sneaky with your mission, and have fun :3

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