part seven: home sweet home

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AN: this is the longest chapter yet! also, i loved writing it. drunken confessions + fluff yktv

CW: alcohol, profanity, brief drug mention

Bold: Eddie's POV

The wind kissed your face as Eddie barreled through the sleepy evening darkness.

You'd cranked the passenger window down once he'd begun driving, suddenly nauseated by the motion and in dire need of fresh air.

Now, your head was resting on your folded arms, perched on the base of the open window as the song of the wind screamed in your ears. You could barely hear the music creaking through his stereo, but registered Ozzy Osbourne's familiar vocals; Black Sabbath. Master of Reality.

Ironically, your own reality twisted up around you like the tendrils of your hair flowing past your face. Suddenly overwhelmed by the combination of tearing wind and the screech of the stereo, you pulled your head back into the car and reached for the volume knob.

Eddie didn't stop you, but kept a careful eye on your form as you finally closed your eyes and leaned back against the headrest.

Situated by the easy accompaniment of the album he'd played for you a million times, you squeezed your eyes shut to fight the dizzy spell as you started lulling back out of consciousness.

"You alright over there, champ?" He spoke at last, gruff and familiar.

"Fine, fine," you croaked, aiming for nonchalance but coming off almost as shattered as you'd felt that night. "Don't you worry about me, Munson."

"I'll always worry about you, (Y/l/n)." His words were barely a mumble over his breath as he finally pulled up in front of his trailer, yanking the keys from the ignition as they chimed against his jeweled knuckles.

Your eyes were still closed when he'd crossed to the passenger door, pulling it open and lightly prodding your forehead to wake you once more.

You groaned, brows cinched in drunken frustration as you swatted at his hand.


"(Y/n), you gotta open your eyes."

Begrudgingly, and somewhat grandiosely, you forced your lids open, shooting your beloved metalhead a sweet smile for emphasis.

This was the most wiped out he'd ever seen you.

"Right," he started, sucking in a breath. "You ready?"

You nodded, smiling up at him once more as he held an arm out for you to grab as you stumbled out of the van. You nearly tripped on a patch of gravel, slipping ever so slightly before he caught you completely in his arms.

"Woah, there, tiger, watch your step. Just a few feet, alright?"

He gripped your waist firmly as you slung an arm around him, allowing him to support you while the two of you struggled to the door.

Eddie held you to him as he unlocked the door, his best effort to keep you from tumbling backward down the stairs warping more into an opportunity for you to slump into him even further.

Granted, you could barely hold your own legs up. But still, the nearness to him after all this time felt almost imaginary– you didn't want him to let you go.

out of tune (the guitarist: book 2) | eddie munson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now