10 | Hating |

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[ (Y/N)'s POV ]

I stormed out of the building, still pissed off as before. That fucking Blitz is nothing but a selfish sack of shit. My car was parked at my house, which was a couple of miles away, so I had no choice but to walk there. I had to grab my belongings, so I opened one of the unlocked doors to Blitzø's fucked-up van and grabbed what was mine. As I started to walk to my house, my brain was still focused on what happened in Blitzø's office. I've had bad moments with him in the past, but I still kept my job in I.M.P., so I had to be able to manage his bullshit. But this time. This time was the last straw for me. I made lots of memories with the company, sure, but just the thought of seeing Blitzø's pathetic self around me now made me feel sick.

I decided to pull out my phone and text Stolas. "srry that you have to deal with blitz, you deserve better." was what I messaged him. I put my phone in one of my pockets but felt it vibrate shortly after. I took out my phone again, with "I still have hopes for him, it's hopefully just a matter of time 😅" as the message from Stolas on my screen. I doubt Blitzø would love him back, what does he know? I then got a text from none other than Blitzø himself that said "im onli lookin out for you, Striker wil keel you. he was meen to me moxxie an millie." Did I mention that he sucks ass at spelling? I replied with "Striker loves me a lot. he's mean to you because you treat everyone like a punching bag", then blocked his number. His loss for the way people treat him. I kept walking.

(time skip!)

As I got to my house, I immediately opened the door to the driver's seat, and put my belongings in the passenger seat. I turned on the engine and was on my way to the Wrath ring. I was still angry but relieved that I was able to be by myself now. I didn't have to deal with Millie and Moxxie constantly being the two lovebirds that they are, Loona always on her phone or reading gossip magazines, and Blitzø being a dick. I didn't have to put up with them anymore. The only dilemma present was that I had to find a new job. I remembered that there was an opening at Ozzie's for working with the lights. I called up a number and was hired to do the job after half an hour. The best part was that I could work whenever I wanted to!

I arrived at the Rough 'n Tumbleweed Ranch and parked my car. I got out of the car with my belongings to see Striker leaning against a fence post. I set down my stuff, went up to Striker, and hugged him, with him hugging me back. "I got your text, (Y/N). Is everything alright?" he asked me. "Not really, that's why I came here," I responded as I looked down. Striker then put his hand on my chin and lifted it so that I was looking at him. "Come on, let's go to our room. You can tell me what's wrong there," he said as he smiled. We went inside the house, walked up the stairs, and went into the room.

I sat on the bed as Striker closed the door for privacy, then sat on the bed with me. "So, (Y/N). Please tell me what happened, I want to help make you feel better," he told me. So, I told him everything. The argument, me quitting I.M.P., and even the shit Blitzø did in the past. When I was done, I had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down. Being able to say what I wasn't able to say in the past felt so relieving. "Well, (Y/N), you made a good choice to not let Blitzø's words affect you. And it seems that you had some pent-up anger because of what he did in the past. Just tell him or anyone else, don't keep it inside." he said as he put his hand on my cheek. He gave me more advice, like how to handle anger and other things. When he was done, I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Striker," I told him. "You're welcome, sweetie. I'm always here for you," he replied as he hugged me back. I then told him about Blitzø's text and that it said "Striker wil keel you". He told me that he and Blitzø hated each other after the Pain Games, so he assumed that Blitzø was just jealous. "Wait," he then said, "since you quit his little killing business, how are you gonna get a job now?" I reassured him and told him about my new job at Ozzie's. "I've heard that working at Ozzie's gets you a good paycheck!" he told me. "Anyways, do you want some food? I can make some more eggs and bacon if you want." I agreed to have eggs and bacon, so Striker left the room and closed the door to go cook.

( A few moments later )

The door opened to reveal Striker holding a plate of eggs and bacon with a fork and knife. "Here you go dear," he said as he handed me the plate. I began to take bites of the food, which were just as good as when I first ate them. My imp tail was swaying side to side from how good the food was. After I was done, I put the plate to the side and hugged Striker again. "Striker, you mean so much to me. I've never had anyone care so much about me like this." I told him. A blush formed on his face, and one formed on mine as well. "Well, I guess there's a first for everything, huh?" he replied. "You're right on that. This good of food is definitely a first for me!" I told him, which got some small chuckles out of the both of us.

Once I finished, I put the plate on the bed. "So, do you wanna do something together?" Striker asked me. "Sure! We could watch a movie, maybe one of those novellas." I responded. So, we both stood up and made our way to the living room to watch movies. There was more than just watching movies, of course. There was talking, cuddling, all the lovey-dovey stuff. And Striker and I enjoyed it.

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