12 | Date |

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[ No one's POV ]

"Sure, we can make it a date.~" Striker replied with a smirk. "Great!" His partner then said with a wide grin as he held the rattlesnake's hand and walked inside. There were leather seats around rectangular wooden tables with rounded corners lined against the edge of the inside of the building. The floor consisted of thin rectangular wooden planks that formed a diagonal pattern. The center of the room had standard circular wooden tables surrounded by four white-colored wooden chairs with leather cushions. On the right side was the line for ordering the food. The kitchen was visible, so the workers were able to be seen making the food. The line to order food was formed by black stands with leather straps in the middle, with the same texture and look like a regular seat belt. The café was illuminated by fixed light bulbs in the ceiling that were arranged in two rows, with three light bulbs for each row. As Striker and his date were further into the room, they could see the menu boards more clearly. The menus were decorated with big images of tasty foods and drinks. There were pictures of juicy hamburgers with salted fries and soda. The items itself on the menu were a variety of food groups. The menu offered various steaks, salads, beverages, sides, and anything to help make an imp quench their hunger. The boards even had special offers displayed in red, such as 50% off of select foods and drinks.

Striker and his date walked over to an available table with two accompanied seats and set down their belongings. "So, what do you want to eat?" Striker asked as he pulled out his wallet. "I'll have the steak, it looks real fuckin' good." his date replied. "Alright, I'll get the same thing too." Striker then replied as he walked over to the line to order his food. The line moved surprisingly quickly, so he was able to order almost immediately. "Hello, sir! Welcome to Café del Infierno! What would you like to order?" asked one of the cashiers with a cheery smile. "Hi, can I get two steaks? It's for me and him." Striker replied as he pointed to his date. "Absolutely sir! Coming right up!" the cashier replied. After a quick five minutes, one of the chefs came and handed the food to the cashier. "Here's your plates sir! Will you be paying with cash or card?" the cashier asked. After Striker replied by saying he would be using cash as he pulled out some dollar bills from his wallet, he then gave them to the cashier, which he put inside the register. He nodded his head as a way to thank the cashier and went to the table where his date was sitting.

[ (Y/N)'s POV ]

"Bon appétit, babe.~" Striker said to me as he set down the plates and sat down on the chair opposite of me. As I looked at the steak, my mouth started to already water. The steak was seared to a perfect brown color with marinade drizzled all over it. The steak was already sliced into even slices and was accompanied by thin golden yellow fries that were evenly seasoned with salt. I grabbed a fork and softly jabbed it into a slice and put it into my mouth. As soon as I did, I instantly felt the flavors take over my taste buds. The taste was just as unreal as any food that Striker made for me. The steak was incredibly juicy, and the marinade made it even more delicious. I couldn't help but moan softly in delight from how good it tasted. "You enjoying it, (Y/N)?" Striker asked me as he then began to dig into the food as well. I nodded my head in reply as I continued to eat the steak. I occasionally ate a small sequence of the fries when I wasn't eating the steak.

When Striker and I had finished eating our food, Striker grabbed my hands and held them as he began to talk as he looked at me. "(Y/N), I know we've only been together for a short amount of time, but I just need to tell you how much I love you. I've always had the urge, but I figure now is as good as any to express how I feel about you. When I first laid my eyes on you, I was instantly head over heels for you. You stood out from the others like a sore thumb, that's for sure. Yes, when your group came to the ranch, it was the first time I had ever actually seen them, but something about you ignited some sort of spark in my heart. And that spark grew into a raging fire of lust very quickly. Everything about you, your body, your eyes, your personality, everything, is nothing short of perfect to me. I considered myself to be the luckiest imp in Hell to be able to date you, and I still do to this day and this moment. The best part of waking up every day for me is being able to see your beautiful face, with your beautiful smile. I never want to see you sad, and I never want anything to make you sad. I will do everything I possibly can to keep you smiling, it would break my heart if I saw anything but a smile." After he was done confessing his true feelings, I was at a loss for words. My face was already blushing intensely, and I felt some tears form from happiness. I tried to speak as I dried my tears with a napkin, but it was impossible to do so.

But, it seemed like Striker had more confessions to say. "(Y/N), do you remember when you were on the stage for the Pain Games and that I had to go to Lin and Joe's house?" he asked me. "Yea, why are you asking me about that now?" I responded in confusion. Striker then grimaced and put his hand behind his neck in shame. Did something happen that I didn't know about? "Well, the reason I had to run to Lin and Joe's house was to deal with your little friend, Moxxie." I still had a perplexed look on my face, so Striker continued with his confession. "He was looking at my blessed-tipped rifle. I didn't want him interfering with it, so I went a bit overboard." "What did you do to Moxxie?" I asked with a mix of confusion and fear in my voice. "Well, I first threw him at a wall with my tail." He replied with shame in his tone. He then went on to explain everything that happened that I was unaware of. The fight with Blitzø, him throwing Moxxie and Millie into a cellar, him needing to kill Stolas, everything. I couldn't believe what he was telling me. I was once again at a loss for words but in a bad way this time. I could only manage to mutter out, "I-.. Why..?!" He then explained some more, but the disbelief I had didn't allow me to listen to what he had to say. I knew he knew that I was in disbelief, so he remained silent after he was done talking. He only looked at me with a "are you okay?" expression. I wasn't mad at him in a way, but I wasn't happy about what he said either.

I got up out of my chair, and slowly walked out of the café, with Striker behind me walking slowly as well. He and I got to my car, to which I opened the door to the driver's seat, and he opened the door to the passenger's seat. We both got in the car and put on the seat belts at the same time. I started the car engine and drove out of the parking lot. The ride back to my house was incredibly silent, with the only things you could hear is the faint muffled noises of Imp City. Striker knew I didn't want to talk to him, so he held his peace and only looked out of the window. I didn't know how to feel about what he told me back at the café. Should I be angry at him? A mix of emotions was swirling in my head with no point in stopping to be in order. It seemed wrong to break up with Striker, it felt unreasonable. Maybe just some alone time? The ride was silent the entire time, but every single word flowing in my head seemed to occupy the silence.

Maybe I just need a moment to myself.

♥Sweetie♥ (Striker x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now