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Rooster pulled Ava close under the umbrella, feeling the sand between his toes.
After her six hour shift today, Ava and Rooster decided to go relax at the beach. They watched as the waves rocked back and forth slowly on the shoreline. If anyone would ever tell her that living near the ocean was not ideal, she'd disagree. She lived for the ocean waves, the sound of the water swishing, smoothly gently, and then splashing at the end. It was soothing to Ava.
"You're too quiet," she finally spoke. While she messed with her Canon. She rested her back on Roosters torso, her head against his strong shoulder. She snapped a picture of the waves.
"You know," he shrugged, kissing her head.
Ava placed her canon on her bag and sat up straight, turned over to him, and kneeled before him.
"No, I don't know," she raised her brow in question. "What's going on?" He was too quiet. Rooster usually rambled on about anything. She eyes him, seeing her own reflection through his sunglasses. His lips twitched.
"I ugh..." he cleared his throat.
"What's wrong?" Ava asked. She could see that something bothered him.
Rooster couldn't lie to her. He sighted, looking at her with his dark aviator sunglasses. "Maverick and I got into it again, but..." he said before she could interrupt him. "Admiral Simpson was quick to stop it." He looked down, letting his sunglasses slide a little so he could see her without them. "That was my fault," he grinned apologicaly. He placed his hands over her tighs now, rubbing some sand off her soft skin. Ava wore a button-up white shirt that once belonged to Rooster. But Ava kept it for hereslf, and it was long enough to cover below her tighs.
He gave her a seductive look. "Mmm, baby, you're so gorgeous,"
Ava laughed. "Oh no, you don't," she laughed. "Dont you dare try to push this aside. "Now, what did my father say?"
Rooster chuckled. "He was being your dad, you know,"
Ava rubbed her temple. "Oh, no, what did he say?" Her brows met with concern.
Rooster smiled softly. The last thing he wanted was for her to worry over something he couldn't handle. "Hey baby, it's alright." He promised. "He was literally just doing his job,"
Ava remembered when they broke up for good because her father didn't approve of their relationship. Those nine months without each other were the toughest time for the couple. During their time apart, Rooster had gone to the bar every now and then but never went inside. He didn't want to freak Ava out. And he could never muster the strength to go in there and apologize for letting her father win. For separating them. Forbidden them to see one another. Rooster, at the time, had had enough.  Day in and day out for nine months could make a guy go crazy. So he had dropped Ava off that night, told her goodnight, and said.
"I think we should see other people."
Ava had looked up at him. And something inside her broke. Her eyes dimmed, and softly, she nodded and didn't question it. He hated himself. But it's what she said broke him. "My father was right. Elite pilots are all the same,"
Rooster had taken it. Maybe her father had been right. "Yeah, maybe his right," he had voiced. His chest aching.
One night, Rooster gathered the courage to go see Ava only to see Fritz walk her out to her scooter. So he drove to the bar the next morning and waited for Ava to arrive only to find her sitting by the shore. She looked lost, her eyes in the far distance as she took in the smell of the ocean.
Rooster had taken her by suprise that time.
"Hey," he greeted.
Ava kept her eyes to the waves. "Hey,"
"I miss you," he whispered.
"I miss you too."
Rooster took her hand in his and looked toward the ocean, too.
Eventually, Ava apologized over her father. It was then that they both promised nothing would get in the way of their love ever again. But like any couple, they fought over the tiniest of things. Laughted over the dumbest things, then, they had rough nights of sex and other times, they would just enjoy their time with one another. It was endless the love they had for one another. Time was proof of that.
"We're fine," he mouthed, kissing her, biting at her lip, then laughed when she tried pulling away as he planted kisses all over her face and neck.
Ava missed Roosters' playful side. He had been so caught up with this very important mission as he should be and everything with Maverick that he was slipping away. Rooster could see that she missed him.
"I missed me too, baby," he told her in a low voice as if reading her mind. "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend," Rooster lifted her chin up.
"You are, but I have something to ask. "Is it really necessary for you and Maverick to argue consistently?" Ava got on her feet, wiping more sand off, then gave up. She was at the beach after all and not far from the bar.
Rooster got on his feet towering over his girlfriend. Ever since he was a kid, all Rooster ever dreamed about was to follow in his father's footsteps. Something that his mother and him never agreed on. But even though his mother dispised it. Rooster did it anyway. No one was going to stop him.
"I don't think I'll ever see that man as anyone, I don't have enough respect for him," Rooster could finally agree mentally that he wasn't going to let Maverick get in the way of his training, a few more weeks and that was it.
"Why?" Ava wondered though she knew half of it, something was lingering behind all of this. She wasn't stupid.
Rooster scrached his head. "He pulled my papers out of the academy, held me back four years,"
"He what!" Ava hissed with shock. "That's ridiculous and illegal," Ava was furious.
Rooster disagreed with her. "It's not illegal, baby,"
"I'll talk to my father," she breathed through her nostrils.
"There is no need for that," Rooster thought about his team. He couldn't let them down they were counting on him. "Let's enjoy our day, alright?" He leaned down to kiss her. Rooster pulled back and stared at her, admiring her beauty.
He would finish the mission and come home to Ava. He thought about what Admiral Simpson had said. Rooster really didn't want to screw things up with his daughter. Rooster loved Ava, from the very first time he had seen her at the bar.
In the past, while in his third year at the academy. Each time, Rooster walked into the bar with his teammates at the time. His eyes always laid on the cute barista. Rooster would always keep his eyes on her while she served beer, took orders, and could see her getting tired of men, especially flight pilots hit on her. One evening, after having a few drinks himself, Rooster hadn't noticed how late it had gotten. He got on his feet and placed a hundred dollars on the table. He made his way toward the exit door when Ava stopped him.
"Excuse me," Ava called out to him. "I think you got the bills mixed?"
Rooster shook his head. "No, I left the right amount," He turned to face her. God, she was beautiful.
Ava smiled. "Few beers in, and it can do that to someone," she grabbed the bill and went over to hand it to him. "Here, it's on the house," she took him by suprise.
"Now, why would you want to do that?" He wondered curiously.
"Oh, you know," she shrugged softly. "Maybe you can take me out to see that new movie that came out instead of staring at me all night?"
Rooster felt his face grow hotter by the mintue. "Is it that obvious?" He had found himself saying, his smile forming into a teasingly grin.
Ava laughed softly. "My name is Ava," she pointed at her nametag.
Rooster forgot how to breathe. "I'm... Bradley," he introduced himself, growing nervous. A cute girl could do that to him, especially a beautiful one.
"What's your callsign?" Ava had asked him.
"Well, then Rooster. "Do you want to use those hundred bucks to take me out Saturday?"
Rooster grinned. "What time do you want me to pick you up?"
Ava tossed a sand pie over at Rooster, bringing him back to the present. She giggled as he ran after her chasing her toward the water.
Rooster lifted her up as her legs wrapped around his waist. The sun was beginning to set in the horizon with colors of yellow reds and violets.
Ava laughed as the waves made her, button-up flowy pulling up to the surface, leaving behind a trail of white silk behind her. She circled her arms around Roosters' strong shoulders, feeling the water rise up against their body, as she pulled hereslf forward, feeling up against him.
Rooster groaned.
Ava loved to tease him. She leaned down to kiss him, tasting the salt on their lips.
Later that evening, Ava and Rooster headed into Penny's house. "Aunt Penny, you home?" Ava called out. "Amelia?"
Upstairs, a loud thud was heard. Ava looked over at Rooster he held on to a small paperbag. "I'll be back. Let me go check,"
Rooster shook his head. He had received a text from an old friend who had been doing a favor for him."I have too go baby but I'll call you first thing in the morning," he kissed her passionately before stepping out. Afterward, Ava made her way upstairs and knocked on her aunts bedroom door. "Yes?" She heard from the other side.
Ava pushed the door gently open and walked in. Her aunt gasped, turning so quick to face her neice from where she stood. She stood up straight, covering the window with her body frame. She looked slightly surprised, her beautiful eyes wide. "Hi," she breathed.
"Hi," Ava squinted her eyes. "What going on here?" She said in a playful tone..
Aunt Penny gave her a shaky laugh. "What do you mean?"
Ava looked at her. "Aunt Penny, you have sex hair," she started to laugh and ran toward the window and saw Maverick getting on his feet. "Good time, uh!?"
Maverick pulled his jacket on and ran toward the back where he had parked his bike.
Aunt Penny turned red around her cheeks. "Ava, stop!" She laughed.
Ava pulled her head back in and kept laughing. "You do know that Amelia and I know you've been sneaking out, right?"
Aunt Penny gasped. "Oh," she huffed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Is it that obvious?"
Amelia could be heard coming up the stairs. "Look at what Rooster gave me!" She squealed as she showed them. It was a book. It read great minds that changed the world.

Rooster Top Gun A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now