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sages outfit for this chapter ^^


sage had just finished picking out what to pack for her summer long trip to cousins. she decided on a multitude of crop tops, denim shorts, dresses, bikinis, and her favorite shoes. the teenager had a chronic case of overpacking every summer, never being able to decide what to wear. every time, without fail, she would have her mother sit on her suitcase while she struggled to zip it up.

after she finished shoving all of her clothes into the biggest suitcase she could find in her house, she had her mother drive her to the conklins. they were leaving in a half hour so she decided she could just hang out with belly before they left.

however much sage loved cousins, it didn't beat the guilt and sadness of having to say goodbye to her mother at the beginning of every summer. i mean, leaving your mother alone for two months in the already lonely house they had would make a lot of teenagers feel guilty. sage never confessed this to her mother, but somehow she always knew and constantly reassured the young girl.

as the car rolled up to the conklins, sage and her mother got out to grab the younger girls suitcase and say their goodbyes. "i'm gonna miss you sweetheart, but have fun and send tons of pictures!"  her mother smiled at her.

"i will mom. i love you so much and i'll make sure to call every day with updates!" sage replied back sadly.

after their long hug sage grabbed her suitcase and walked up to the conklins house. seeing as it was her second home, she didn't bother knocking and just walked in. she sat her suitcase by the door and immediately spotted laurel.

"hey laurel! do you need any help packing anything?" she offered.

laurel looked up at the girl and smiled "no hunny! thank you for asking. belly and taylor are in belly's room finishing up packing if you want to go in there. we're leaving soon though!"

sage murmured a thank you and sprinted to belly's room in excitement. she busted open the door and let out a squeal.

as sage busted through the door she heard taylor telling belly to not bring the speedo she currently held up to her body.

sage looked over at belly and nodded "yeah i'm gonna have to agree with taylor on that one belly."

belly was quick to retort back to both of her friends "hey! i always buy a new suit when we get there anyways."

after a little more banter belly rushed at taylor and tackled her onto the bed. suddenly they heard laurel from the kitchen saying they were leaving in ten minutes.

all three of the girls got glum looks on their faces, knowing they won't be able to see taylor and vice versa as often as they'd like.

"okay before you all go, tell me your summer wish." taylor demanded with a smile.

"i don't know about belly, but my only wish is that i'll have fun all summer, maybe pick up a few guys while doing it." sage said sending a wink to taylor.

after sage made her wish the three jumped into a conversation about how belly had been pining over conrad fisher for the majority of her life. even going as far as placing bets. taylor had twenty dollars on the fact that they would get together by july fourth while sage said it wouldn't happen until the end of the summer.

teenage dirtbag| jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now