Chapter 2

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 “Momo open up! There is a girl out here covered in blood QUICK!”

I managed to open one eye slightly. That boy with the white hair was banging against a door. His face now had blood spattered onto it. My blood. I slowly lifted my hand to my face and felt a very deep gash into my skin.  It was still oozing and I was beginning to feel very lightheaded.

In fact that was the last thing I remember before I passed out…

*The next day…*

I woke up to excruciating pain! The left side of my face was numb and was covered in bandages.  Where was I? Being in a strange house and no knowing where you are, I did what any normal person would.

I screamed. I forgot about my injury and tried to take the bandages of by force.  A teenage girl bolted into the room. She was wearing a red soul reaper academy uniform. She grabbed my wrists and tried to restrain me.

“Please calm down. You are safe. We are trying to save your life!” she cried.

I looked her dead in the eye and growled “You should have left me to die.”

She let go of my wrists instantly.  Tears started to swell in her eyes and she started to sniffle. I don’t care I don’t need her sympathy; she didn’t lose everything she cared about in one night. She didn’t witness a massacre first hand!

“Momo that’s not how to deal with this situation”

I looked up to the doorway. That white haired boy from last night, how long had he been standing there? He walked past Momo until he was sitting next to me.

“Momo saved your life. You would have died last night along with the rest of your district if she hadn’t of helped you. You saved my life so I returned the favour by asking Momo to help you. So I don’t care if you are hurting you don’t talk like that to the person that stayed up till dawn to save you!”

His tone was firm but in a way gentle.  He got his point across though. I turned to Momo who was now drying her tears.

“Did you really stay up all night for me?” I asked softly

She nodded her head and smiled slightly.

 “Thank you Momo…I’m sorry” I said with my head down.

Before I knew it Momo was hugging me. This girl forgives people too quickly… I turned to the white haired boy.

“Thanks for last night. I would have died if you didn’t jump in front of me…My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya” he spoke

I suddenly knew what I wanted to ask him

“Where did that man go from last night!? Do you know if anyone survived from my district!?”

Toshiro looked at Momo and asked her to leave the room and grab some more bandages.  When she left he turned to me and spoke slowly.

“After you got hit last night the man vanished.  He probably thought you were dead. The blade he hit you with glowing purple so we don’t know if it was cursed or not. You must have been his target because he didn’t give me a second glance.”

“Well that’s not too bad I guess...” I began

“I’m not done.  Soon after I brought you to Momo’s house soul reapers came and told us to go into lockdown because of a massacre in the nearby district. That was when we realised that was where you had come from. They came back this morning to give a report on what happened.”

He stopped to look at me and said

“The whole district was burnt to the ground with no survivors… you are the only one left from District 0”

The legend of Squad 14: Seria MorakoWhere stories live. Discover now