Chapter 7

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Outside the sea walls Matilda was seen walking past Bentley who was standing on rock

Bentley: Oh, now Matilda it's gonna be okay. You know, when I was a teenager, you couldn't get me out of my shell for nothin'. I had this high, squeaky voice... and these itty-bitty my Shell. And then one day, boom! I sound like Caruso... and these whoppers pop out! (but then he notices Matilda pushing a rowboat into the water) Young lady, just where do you think you're going?

Matilda: I've gotta figure this out. (Bentley jumps onto the back of the boat but whimpered as he starts slipping) This necklace means something... and if no one's gonna tell me... (grabs the oars) I'm gonna find out myself.

(She starts rowing away as Bentley fell off the boat)

Bentley: Matilda please (in the cauldron) You're making a big mistake!

Courtney Gear: (watching from cauldron) Oh, this is delicious. This is divine!

Nefarious: Let's go, flatsos.

Courtney Gear: Hurry, boys. There's a little girl out there who needs our help.

Back with Bentley 

Bentley: Alright, Bentley. You must remain calm. Dis is NOT your fault. All you have to do is go in there and calmly explain that Matilda has run away. No reason to lose your head. Whatever you do, you abso-tively, posi-tutely, must not panic.

Talwyn: Matilda 

Bentley: (He hears Talwyn call Matilda.) WAH!!! MATILDA'S GONE, MATILDA'S GONE, MATILDA'S GONE!!!!

Talwyn: Bentley? What are you doing here?

Bentley: It's all my fault! I tried to stop her! I don't deserve to live! (cries)

Talwyn: Gone? Gone where?

Bentley still crying

Ratchet: Okay, okay... Bentley... (shouts) Bentley!! (Bentley stopped crying at the moment) Calm down. Now, tell us. Where did Matilda go?

Bentley: Out, Out.... to the sea.

Ratchet: What?! The sea?! Oh no!

Talwyn: What do you mean? Where could she be going?

(At sea)

Nefarious: To Courtney Gear's.

Matilda: And she can tell me what this locket means, why it has my name on it?

Nefarious: Miss Gear's the best. She'll help ya.

Matilda: Okay. Then let's go.

Nefarious put Matilda on ship take her away for Nefarious's lair as they secretly giggled sinisterly.

Matilda: (thinking) bye Mum Dad

She was asleep from hour she woke up to see a lab

Nefarious: Angel face, meet my partner Courtney Gear 

Courtney Gear: Oh, welcome, my precious. Oh, don't be shy. Come in. Come in out of the cold. Sit, sit. Put your feet up. Hungry? I got some food if you're hungry 

Matilda: uhh thanks I was hoping you could tell me about this pendant... why it has my name on it. My mother and father wouldn't tell me. they just doesn't understand.

Courtney Gear: Oh,you're not the only one with a parents who doesn't understand you. Believe me, I know just how you feel. Dear child, did you ever consider... that it has your name on it... because it has your destiny in it? Oh, deep down... you know you weren't meant to be a lowly Lombax and Markazian What you are is something... far more enchanting.

Matilda: mermaid? But it's not possible.

Courtney Gear: anything's possible. just like when your father never understand

Matilda: You can turn me into a mer-Markazian 

Courtney Gear: got right honey

Nefarious: (see Lawrence with Magic bottle from the twins) Lawrence Where'd you get that?

Lawrence: Vendra give to her 

Courtney Gear: thank you for a special occasion. One drop of this and, bada-bing, bada-boom! You're in fin city! Whee!

Matilda: Really?

Lawrence: you be okay sweetheart 

Courtney Gear: Come, my darling. Your destiny awaits you.

The magic into Matilda legs into a mermaid tail

Matilda: I don't believe it! i'm helf merbax and half mer-Markazian 

Nefarious: Say it loud, say it proud!

Matilda into water swim around she was glad she's a half mermaid 

Matilda: I'm a mermaid!

Courtney Gear: that's a girl

Nefarious: You had this all along. You coulda changed me back. Why, I oughta...

Courtney Gear: Keep your scales on, small hand. We still reeling her in.

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