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Hey you guys! So I wrote this all day and thought about how this should go down and hopefully I did my best for you all to enjoy it. I feel very proud of this chapter with how Emma and Dylan have their first conversation together. Ehhhh!! ;)

Hope you like it, love you all. See yah- MADISON

Emma POV

All I see is green in bountiful shades with speckles of brown in the inner most center where a small white light shines within. These eyes have to belong to a beautiful person with pure confidence that shines, yet they have a kind look to them. As if they are reaching out towards me to bring me closer and hold me forever. I continue to stare and float in a dream like state surrounded by all shades of green until I feel something large move down me. I shift my focus and see large muscular arms rubbing my sides in the most gentle manner. The movement stirs something inside me and grows stronger; it starts slow and keeps growing to the point I feel my eyes open wide. I shove his arms away and trip over myself trying to get out of this man's lap. I make it to the corner wall and see that the room I am in is like a hospital setting, that includes monitors, needles and other equipment. I feel that I am in a frenzy trying to remember everything that has happened and how I ended up here. My eyes turn to the man where instantly blurrier images come into my mind; the creepy men in the forest, fainting and then this brown animal like figure. I try to fix the picture better when after several moments it becomes clearer and the brown figure turns into a huge wolf whose fur is dark brown with a reddish color dripping. I shudder in terror of the dark creature as my eyes look quickly around the room to see where the creature is. I refocus my thoughts on the man with fear swirling inside me.

I open my mouth to speak my thoughts but nothing comes out, my thoughts are confused but one thing is for sure I will get out of here. With this in mind, I close my mouth and stand firm rooted to the floor and face the stranger head strong.

" Where am I?"

The man looks at me with a worried look on his face examining my body to see If I have any injuries. His stare strikes something in me where I feel my knees start to shake. I have never had this happen before not even when I a crush on Rider Williams in the 9th grade. We continue this staring contest until he finally sees something that resolves his worry.

"You are in the infirmary" he answers in a calm yet powerful tone.

"How did I get here?" I ask

"What do you remember?"

"Its all a bit hazy and blurrier. All I remember is darkness" I lie knowing something had to have happened if he is wondering what I know. I never intentionally lie to a person but who wouldn't be skeptically with waking up in a infirmary and seeing a strange man.

"What is your name? " I ask

"Dylan O'Conner "

" My name is Emma."

He smiles a genuine smile and says " That's a pretty name. I like it. " Seeing him smile with so much warmth makes me doubt that he is going to hurt me but this is short lived. I notice he is still smiling yet the warm light in his eyes has faded, I wonder why? " I am sure you have plenty of questions and I am more than welcome to answer them for you Emma. All you have to do is ask. "

I stay against the wall and ponder over if I should trust Dylan or not. "Can I really trust him? He might have the answers to the wolf I saw and all this craziness."  I look up at Dylan and see he is still smiling. With that small gesture  it makes my decision that much easier. I slowly pull away from the wall and walk closer to the bed where he has been standing the entire time since our encounter.

" What happened to me?"

Dylan POV

To say when Emma literally ran from me hurt is a total understatement, it killed me to see her run to the corner and look at me with guarded eyes. I knew when she woke up it would be an awkward situation but it still hurts to see your mate run from you. I knew I had to take things slow with her and I am willing to do that. I stayed where I was knowing if I moved she would think I might harm her even though I could never do that; we stayed in this position for several minutes and just looked at one another.

" Where am I  "  she asked.

" You are in the infirmary." I answered

"How did I get here?

" What do you remember?"

I saw her  beautiful eyes slightly narrow as I avoided her question which was probably not a good idea. What can I say I think it is  cute how her head crinkles at the top, how her nose slightly moves when she is thinking and those eyes just pierce through me like-

"What is your name?" she asked which brought me out of my wondering thoughts.

" Dylan O'Conner"

"My name is Emma"

I smiled when I heard her say her name. It just warmed me and made feel so emotional. God I need to stop sounding like a girl. " That's a pretty name. I like it. " I said

I kept smiling at my mate feeling so lucky and noticing her eyes not look so guarded. The thought of her not trusting me bout killed me on the inside.  I wish I knew what was going through that pretty little head of hers but I had an idea of what was on her mind. " I am sure you have plenty of questions and I am more than welcome to answer them for you Emma. All you have to do is ask. "

Hopefully  she would give me the chance to explain how she ended up here but also not scare her away. I noticed her walking away from the corner and was headed towards me. The look in her eyes told me she had made her decision.

"What happened to me " she asked.

I knew I had to tell her what happened but it became slightly harder when I couldn't explain the vampires and my pack having to fight. So in the simplest way possible I made a story that was partly true.   

" Me and a few of my friends were headed to the lake when we heard a scream. We rushed over to where the sound came from and saw you on the ground pasted out. We didn't know what happened to you so I drove you to my families business where my mom checked you out. She checked you from injuries and put you here so you could rest properly. " I explained

" What was the big dog I saw? I swore I saw something red coming down its fur. It looked like blood. It was so huge" she said with large eyes that held fear.

" O-hh that was our dog " I stuttered " He got into a fight with another dog and was hurt." I knew that was a terrible cover up but I couldn't think of anything else when she asked.

" We are defiantly going to have a chat with Tyler and the rest of the pack when she leaves" my wolf said.

" What do you men when she leaves? She is not leaving she can't." I said

" Dylan, even though I want her to stay as well she can't. Emma would freak out more than she already is like now."  I look back at Emma and see she has a puzzled look on her face. I feel my cheeks get hot and I am sure they are red as a cherry. " Anything else you want to know?"

I see her look at me with an odd look but it quickly disappears just like before. I knew from the very begining she was lying when she said she didn't remember, but I let it slide since I knew one day she would be more open to me. Until then I was asked the worst question that possibly can exist.

 " No I think I understand everything. But when can I go home ?" she asked with the most intriguing look in her eyes like I wouldn't let her go. She has no idea how true that is.

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