The stranger

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All right everyone i want to say i am SO SORRY for not uploading a new chapter and i also want to say THANK YOU!!!!! I have past 500 reads and that is AH-MAZING!!!! I never thought in a million years that so many would be reading a story i wrote and it would be liked by so many. Now i am sure your thinking " Hurry up and finishing talking so i can read" well i will do just that. I hope you enjoy the new chapter


Unknown POV

When we brought back the girl to the compound she was immediately taken to the medical ward to be looked over to see if there was any harm to her. While watching the nurses carry her away I felt like I needed to be with her and make sure she is okay; to never let her get away from me. I felt terrible for what she had to experience and hoped she could forget that any of it happened. That she would live her life with such joy and peace; that she would remember this time and never have to think of pain. I just want to see her smile and see the love for me in her eyes.

"Wow, what has happened to me. I can't become all soft and mushy, the guys will never let me live it down if I do"

"Who cares what the guys say to you, just go be with our mate. We need to be with her." my wolf said.

" What can we do if she is passed out and laying in a bed?" I answered. I mean seriously there wasn't much I could just sitting there and screaming at the nurses asking when she is going to wake up.

" But we need to be with her, we can't let her go."

"I promise we will visit her when she wakes up and help her go through all the problems she will face. I promise" With that he didn't respond and I went to my office to handle some Alpha business that must be taken care of.


Looking at the clock I see it reads 7:30 in the morning which could only mean two things: 1.)Its breakfast time and 2.) I worked all night long. I didn't mean to work all night but just some things needed to get done and they couldn't be pushed back . Everyone thinks that being Alpha is so get but they don't understand that it takes a lot of hours to run a whole pack; all they see is the title and power that comes with it.

With having the title causes stress on me but also my soon-to be mate. I had asked the nurses late in the night if she was okay and they only replied saying she was sleeping and hadn't woke up yet. That caused me to more dedicated to finishing my work. If I continued to think about my mate laying helplessly in the hospital bed it would make me feel like I failed her; I would start thinking about all the 'what ifs'. "What if she is badly hurt and we don't know it, what if the vampires did something to her" I can't think that way but my wolf on the other hand couldn't help but do the exact opposite.

" How can we walk so mindlessly while our mate lies in bed? Don't you care for her at all?"

"Of course I care for her but I can't do anything for her if she is asleep. I have faith she will wake up. That is what keeps me going."

" You said we could see her but didn't"

" We will go see her straight after breakfast, I swear."

While heading towards the compound for breakfast and conversing with my wolf, I hear through the pack link people saying things but its all jumbled up together for me to understand what their saying. I start running to get there and see what all the commotion is about, I can't have people fighting and causing problems for the pack. I see the wooded double doors to main hall in front of me. I grab the handle and pull open the door but stop to smell that amazing scent once again. The scent only I know to be one person who is destined to be with me ...... her.

I look down to see those beautiful brown eyes that hold me in place with such force that I can't help, but stay to see what else holds behind those eyes. I look her over and see she is perfectly fine but she looks on edge as if she is trying to get away from here.

"Dumb ass she is. How would you act if you wake up to a weird place then remember what you saw last night? " my wolf said sarcastically.

I place my hand on her shoulder which startles her from her staring she tries to move away from me but i stop her and lean mt head down to her level. " You are safe here" With saying a few small words she breaks down right in my arms; I hold her as she weeps.

"Your safe, your safe." I repeat to her over and over again. I don't know why she cries or the reason for the tears coming from those beautiful eyes but I make a promise to myself that I will find out and will not let her cry like this again.

Emma POV

When the strange man with green eyes says to me "You are safe here" I lost it. I don't know why I was crying in the arms of this man but for some reason it felt okay to do that; to have him hold me and keep saying that simple phrase over and over to me. I know nothing of this man or why these people have these huge wolfs around them but I know for some reason that in a strange way it feels right. It feels as if i am meant to see all this or all the things that have happened were for a reason.

As I cried I had a realization that leaving this place, from this stranger may be harder for me to do but one thing that worried was did I really want to leave or not. I don't know if that is a great thing but with this feeling of warmth around me I know a part of me doesn't want to leave.

When I finally stop crying I look around to see the whole room is empty as if we are the only ones here. I don't remember seeing people around the door but I remember people chasing me yelling at me. I finally look at the stranger to see if I can relax a little, I try to figure out everything but his eyes capture me. Maybe the old saying " The eyes are a window to the soul" is true.

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