Uneasy feelings

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While Sophie and I are walking to class, I cannot help but think about my dream this morning. 'What was I doing in the forest and what was with the dark fog?' I have never had any dreams leaving me so paranoid before, and being by these white balls of light that were like my protectors. They came right before I thought everything was going to be so bleak, somehow there light made me feel all warm inside. Apart of me thought I knew this 'things' like we were ffriends or reunited once again. Though out all my wondering one thing was constantly on my mind.

Who was that person coming towards me?

As I saw the figure coming closer I felt this warm over come me like being near a fire and it never going out. I felt safe with this person were i could share anything with them and they would never judge me or wrong me with any decisions I have made. I could trust this person and it felt as if someone they trusted me too. 'But how?' That question was what i was thinking when me and Sophie barely made it our math class and when I bumped into someone.

How embarrassing is this?' 'Why Emma, if all days to look a fool you choose this one' At this very moment my hands were around someone's very chest holding onto dear life as if I were about to be shot or something. I must of tripped on something.... 'more like air' . My hands continued to hold the person and could feel this person was defiantly a guy because of his abs. 'Wow, they really have a strong back' too'  my thoughts were repeating inside my head. But one thought broke my entire mold with holding this person and not letting go.

'OMG! Emma move they will think you are assaulting them or worse'

I quickly released my hands from this person's chest and kept me head down so no one would see my blush all ready forming on my cheeks. I took my things and walked into class hoping no saw or the strange interaction I had with this mystery person. When I walked in I saw Sophie have a emotion I couldn't recall but as soon as it was there it was gone. She walked up to a man who I am assuming is the teacher just based on how he is dressed, the typical male teacher get up in which I have no part of wanting to describe. That would just be weird and some what , no very nasty.

"Mr. Blackwell, there is some one who wants to speak to you." she said to the teacher. The man who I now know as Mr. Blackwell turned around to face us and if Santa had a twin Mr. Blackwell would defiantly be it. He man had hair as white as snow and rosy red cheeks with a very large belly from eating too many cookies.

"Thank you Sophie. You can go to your seat." He said "Welcome to Forrest Grove High. I will be your math teacher for the year. What is your name?"

"Emma, Emma Lewis. Sir"

"Well its nice to meet you Emma and here is your text book that your will need for the year. Take any seat that is open."

I look around and see that there is a seat by Sophie in middle. As I walk by a group of girls sitting next each other they glare at me with such venom that it would hurt your eyes to even see. I ignore the girls as I walk by yet its always me who has to get noticed by the wrong people. 'Why God? Why me?'

"Watch were you sit newbie, you don't want to have an accident on your first day." the blonde girl aka 'Barbie' snickered. He little sidekicks snickered with amusement.

I get to my seat next to Sophie and ignore the stares I get form the class. "Don't listen to her, she is like that everyone and I have known her for years. That's Natasha by the way."  I nod my head and wait for Mr. Blackwell start class while Sophie talks to some guy beside us.

"Morning class. I want everyone to get out your homework from over the weekend and pass them for a grade." A few moans could be heard around the class, I guess a few people didn't think he would take up the homework. "Also class, it appears we have a new student with us today. Emma could you stand please and introduce yourself."  I stand up reluctantly and make a small wave to the class. Here is one thing about myself you should know and that is I HATE being the center of the spotlight. Some may enjoy it like Natasha does but I will purposely move away from it.

"Hy, I 'm Emma."

"Can you tell us about yourself Emma?"

"Um. Well, I ah, moved here from Georgia. I have a younger brother."

"Well thank you for sharing the class and hope you enjoy your time here at Forrest Grove High." After he said that I sit down so quickly the class looking at me weirdly.

"Hey, this is Shawn and he is my boyfriend. You may have a few classes with him later in the day so don't worry if you no one in there." Sophie said " We all have the same lunch together so why don't you sit with us?"

"Hey Shawn. If your sure there will enough room for me then yeah."

"If there isn't we will make room." With that we listen to Mr. Blackwell talk about logarithms.

By the time lunch rolls around I had to introduce myself to class two others times today but luckily I had a free period before lunch so I just did nothing. As I walk into the lunchroom I see the tables are seat up any other high school lunchroom could like with the jocks in on section , the nerds in another as like any other school lunchroom. I see Sophie walking over to me while I notice Shawn looking at her as if she his entire world and her would do anything for her. The look in his eyes shows that he loves her and would never hurt her on purpose. I wonder if she feels the same way?

"Hey i was looking for you for you."

" I came from the back of the school."

"Why were you there? No one goes ther unless you want something from Chris Davis which by the way is someone you should stay away from."

"I had a free period and was just wandering around the school. Thanks for the warning for that Davis guy."

"Okay well, come on everyone is wanting to meet you."

"How do they now me already? I haven't even meet them yet."

"I mentioned it to Shawn and told the rest of the guys the new girl was sitting with us."

When we make it over to the table everyone turns and looks at me. Some look at me with curiosity in their eyes others apprehensive with a new person joining the group. "Guys this Emma. She is the new girl here." I hear a few heys and some mumble it were i can barely hear. I sit in front of a girl with bright red hair and beautiful green eyes; she has a pale complexion while her eyes make her face seem so open and nice. Beside her is a guy with black and blue eyes, I notice he has his arm on her shoulder as if he is protecting her from all the other horny guys. Beside me is Sophie and Shawn talking among  themselves when I sense someone watching me again like earlier. I can't shake the feeling that they have been watching me all day but just now been able to actually just watch. I turn my head to side and yet lo and behold no one there again.

"Emma, Emma"

"Huh" I quickly turn back around to see Sophie looking concerned. When she sees my face she looks at me for a moment but I guess she sees something that calms her.

"I wanted to introduce you Alex and Sarah. Guys this is Emma."

After meeting Alex and Sarah lunch went much more smoothly. I found out that they were a couple as I predicted but also they were so open to me joining their table. We talked until it was time to leave for out classes and promising to hang out soon. For the rest of the day my classes went easier than this morning but I still felt as if someone was still watching me. When the bell rang for dismissal I quickly said goodbye to Sophie and headed to my car,  I wanted to get out of there and get away from this person as soon as possible. As I saw the school growing smaller in the rear view mirror I felt better and not being watched constantly. Hopefully these uneasy feelings wont be a everyday thing cause if they are well my Senior just go a lot longer.


*sigh* wow that took longer than expected but I thought i should give you everyone something for reading the first two chapter. I actually feel really good about this one Emma got to meet some new people but what is this watchful presence and who is it?? Hehehehe Just got to read and stay tuned for the next update. Enjoy !!

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