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Zoe's POV

Confession time, I didn't know what true anger was until I saw my little brother get thrown into a wall like he was a ragdoll. I saw red. I rushed forward at the stupid mutant, with my metal tiger claws bared and ripped off most of the skin on its shoulder. "Leave him alone!" I roared in a fury, as the monster slammed me back a few feet.

At the corner of my eye, I could see Sadie helping Noah to his feet as Piper and Leo came to my aid, blaster and saber drawn. It howled in annoyance whenever our blasters hit its skin, but unlike the Skeiks it didn't fall permanently.

"Five on one is no fair!" It howled stamping its feet. "Rise little ones and come help Papa!" He shot one of his slimeball things directly at the slime sac, causing a fluid like slime to ooze all over our feet and the leeches to grow heavily. Each one had no face, only a giant toothed mouth sucker thing, along with no arms or legs. Those things could still move around like a deformed caterpillar though. In total there were about 4 leeches along with chief slimeball for us all to do. Sadie hacked at one with her saber, and its soft skin split, squirting slime all over us.

"Zoe!" Piper hollered to me. "Go after that thing, you can fight it the best with your claws, me and the others will handle the junior slimeballs."

I hesitated for a brief moment conflicted about leaving my friends. My heart urged me to stay, while my brain urged me to go. My brain won and I tore after the thing, finding its slimy footprints tracking down the sidewalk of 56th East Street, my brain racing as I did so. What is this thing doing here? I thought as my heeled boots clacked against the concrete sidewalk. Besides chucking people into walls of course and laying leeches. A terrified screech broke me out of my thoughts. One of the employees from the hardware store had been cornered on her way home from work.

"There has to be a better spot to hit than just his skin," I muttered as I charged, tackling the monster down to the floor and away from the hardware store worker. "Get the hell out of here!" I roared to the staring crowd. "This slimeball will kill you all!" That certainly did it, suddenly the people decided screaming and running away flailing their arms was the best option.

"What do you want with my town?" I demanded.

He sneered at me. "How sweet, a brat who thinks she'll get her way!" Then he spat more of those slimeballs at me, and I went tumbling to the ground. "Slime..." I mumbled in realization; hit the fuel and he can't fire. I ran at him with my saber drawn and went for where I assumed his ACL tendon would be. I guessed right and he fell down green slime spewing from his kneecap.

"You useless brat!" He wailed in pain. To finish it off I pushed my claws and like a disgusting balloon it popped slimy water gushing all over me. Then something happened, dark purple lightning started pulsing out of him rapidly, then he grew to more than 10000 feet tall.

My heart leapt into my throat, just as my team rounded the corner. "Zoe, we got rid of the leeches-" Noah started before he looked up. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Pissed him off...?" Sadie suggested sounding as bewildered as I felt.

"Uh Abby? Little help please!" Leo practically shouted into his morpher.

"Relax cubs, reinforcements are on the way," she murmured back. "I'm sending in your zords, once they arrive, you'll be transported into your respective beast. Over and out."

I looked at them all bewildered. "So, I guess it's time for our first driving lesson," I muttered. "Also did you just call us cubs?" I asked glancing down at the silent morpher.

"Wouldn't I be a chick since I have an ostrich? And Piper a calf?" Sadie questioned aloud.

"Guys not the time," Piper muttered.

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