Chapter 3: Love me not

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Natsu's POV

I stalked off into the cold night, to angry to notice my whole body was racking with shivers. My hands were clenched in such tight fists that my knuckles were starting to turn white as the pupils in my eyes. As I stomped my way along, not knowing what to do, I decided that I could drop by the guild for a bit. Spinning on my heels, I took a sharp left and head towards the guild.

Upon seeing the door I un-clenched my fists and with that all the anger left my body. Instead it was replaced with a wash of sadness and a hint of relief. I opened the doors and walked in, the cold breeze sweeping in with me. I shut the door behind me and stepped forward towards our usual table. Taking a seat, two pairs of eyes looked at me curiously. Lucy and Erza were sitting their minding their own business and looked up as I sat down.

"Another tiff with Grey?" Erza asked. The guild knew about me and Grey and dint mind at all. They. In fact, accepted it as something where we would get along. I hated that I shot that theory out of the water.

"A huge one this time. Me and him are over." I said blandly, expecting a pang of sorrow to hit me but it didn't. Fire and Ice just didn't mix to well I guess. One ends up being smothered either by being evaporated or frozen, it left no mercy. Lucy just placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and Erza gave me an apologetic look.

"Well you two tried right? Nothing always works out perfectly." Lucy said trying to encourage me, to cheer me back up. I nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose." I replied.

"What was the argument this time? If you don't mind me asking."

"No its fine, I don't mind. Well, both of us kind of agreed we were both idiots and just couldn't get along..."

"First off you both are not idiots, I think you have both matured nicely. Second off if it doesn't work then no use dragging the dead corpse along." Erza chimed in and Lucy nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that. Oi... is it wrong that I don't feel to sad about it? I mean I exactly happy but somewhat glad we realized our mistake before it got to out of hand." I said guiltily.

(A/N: Gratsu is nothing to be ashamed of, I am NOT trying to bash the ship. I noticed as I was typing I was making it seem like a horrible thing but I would say this in any situation for a break up.


They both looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Nope, it just means that..." Erza trailed off looking for words and I could tell I stumped her. Lucy chimed in to finish her sentence.

"That your glad that you stopped yourself before inducing harm to anyone, thats all." She said looking skeptical herself. I knew they were trying to cheer me up and I silently thanked them for the effort.

Lucy reached over and hugged me tightly. Surprisingly I felt a small blush tint my cheeks pink. I was used to hugging Luce but it felt exceptionally warm and caring this time. I hugged back, laying my head on her shoulder.


Spring had settled in along with new feelings of hope and clarity for Fairy Tail. Spring cleaning was a must and thus bringing us to this day in Magnolia. The guild doors were wide open and dust was flying everywhere. Lucy stood next to the bar, a broom held loosely in her hand. Natsu was creeping up behind her slowly , duster in hand. Of course, noting how childish he is, he never once used it to clean but rather to fool around. Poking Lucy with it he smiled and duked behind the bar as she turned. Confused she moved away and went back to sweeping.

On the other side of the guild, Juvia had her hair pulled back and she had a rag in hand and a bucket of water in the other. Grey was offering to help her out and Juvia complied, handing over the bucket of water.

The scene un-folded, of the two cute couples cleaning. One teasing the other while the other worked together. Natsu had asked Lucy out just a month ago, a couple of weeks after the break up with Grey and as for the Gruvia couple, well you know what happened there...

And thats it for Cold Acceptance! Leave a like if you enjoyed it and comment on what you though about it. It was a more Gruvia based one-shot but I didnt want to leave Natsu hanging so I threw in the tiniest bit of Nalu. This is dedicated to Himiki-chan and I hope you liked it Senpai! <3

See you all in the next book! ~Yodaspellzskillz

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