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Hey guys! Sorry yeah I know I am being slow with updates. Same old lazy Yodaspellzskillz.
 Ok now for the real purpose I am here. Check out this >


noun cy·ber·bul·ly·ing \ˈsī-bər-ˌbu̇-lē-iŋ, -ˈbə-\


:  the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously

That is the official meaning for cyber bullying. Its pretty sad that its such a huge problem it has its own special meaning in the official dictionary. Bullying, well is simply wrong.

The impact is tremendous and its sad that most people never see it. I could ramble on about it but you may never actually and truly grasp it. 43% of teens have been victims of bullying. 81% of the teens say that they cyber bully because they thinks its fun or because everyone else is doing it. Everyone one of those 43% teens either said they were scared genuinely and or wanted to exact revenge. I couldn’t find a straight forward percent but as morbid as this is, many of these teens in that 43% range end their lives because they are being bullied either through cyber bullying. And I swear I could cry over these percents. I have a couple of friends who were victims of bullying and it hurts to see such talented, amazing, beautiful and caring people receive hate from someone who finds malicious intent funny.

So stand up. It always begins with you. Now or never basically. If you know someone who is getting bullied go get help, or if your receiving the bullying the best thing I can say is ignore. I know its tough to try and block them out mainly because the words are pretty hurtful. For cyber bullying there is such limited things to do and its one of the only options cutting close to smashing your computer or getting rid of your cellphone. If they are sending you messages over Twitter, Facebook, etc. stop using that page for a while. Just completely block that page off your internet for a while. Always they will end up getting bored and moving on.

If you happen to be friends with the person that is getting bullied (physically, person to person here), It makes me sad to say this but don’t go running in and facing whoever is teasing your best buddy head on. A sure heroic thing a sure fire way to guarantee disaster. 1 out of 6 times the bully is non-confrontational and might leave but that other 5 out of 6 times, the bully will feel cornered and lash out resulting in violence and that is not what we need. My suggestion is to go find an adult as quickly as possible. I know its horrible because there is that chance that by the time you get a teacher, the bully might be gone and the damage done. But recklessness will not solve anything I know from personal experience. I ave tried to step into the way of a friend who was getting picked on and it just made it worse because after the fact they just increased the amount of times they confronted my friends and had even more insults to add on… It was horrible. They went away when I rushed in nut they just inevitably came back even more. I did get help in time, luckily I knew the guys name and class but in the end I made things worse and I felt terrible. And I have no desire to see that happen again trust me.

Hey I know I might be going on here, but bullying is a dangerous and very real thing. Many people don’t wake up and say” Hey I am going to get picked on by this person” no its a victimised choice of nature. A very horrible force of nature. I wanted to write this because my older sister Juvia tagged me to do this and also because I love you guys and hate it when I see someone being picked on. Remember that your not helpless, there is ALWAYS something you can do to stop this. So join the #Nomorebullying movement guys!

I tag @FairyShipper4Life @TheMaddKing @096Neko @anime13lover @NerdKing712 @fairytail67 @NatsuDragneel439 and I tag all of my readers! I want you all to comment in the section bellow #nomorebullying along with a link to your words of wisdom. The challenge is write 90 words (or more) about bullying and let the world now about how you can make a change! Also inbox me with your link or if yah have any questions about this challenge. Love you all and thanks so much for being here.

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