Chapter 1: Rough Start

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Hullo! :3 Welcome people that are new to my books and welcome back to those that have read my books before. This was a special request from my friends, and it is a semi-one shot.  Also before anything happens I want to say that my ah-mazing friend morbidEmpire (*I also dedicated this to her so if you want to go check out her books they are absolutely fabulous and a must read *) though of the plot and I could say helped but that would be taking too much credit. She made the plot so the only thing I own here is the words written I guess. The plot line goes to morbidEmpire and the characters are Hiro Mashima’s of course ^u^ this is a small portion of Gratsu but mainly Gruvia for a quick warning. So enjoy, leave your thoughts bellow and please vote and follow >~<. Thanks and enjoy ^.^


Gray’s POV

The door shut softly behind me as I walked into my house. It was of reckless abandon but it was still home. I quickly started scooping stuff up off the floor and hiding it, in desperate attempts to clean everything quickly. Natsu had only called me seconds before I had gotten home, saying that he would be over in an hour to meet for dinner. I picked up and empty pizza box and started putting crushed soda cans in it, to help carry the mess out.  I sighed. There was no way I could get my house clean again. There was clothes strewn across the living room, gaming controllers with missing joysticks and buttons half-heartedly thrown in corners, and just a huge pile of trash everywhere.  Just to make sure, I walked into my kitchen to see what was in the fridge. I opened it and let out a groan. There was nothing in there either. I set my focus to getting the house picked up.

I shut all of the windows, to keep the draft from getting in. Though I loved winter weather, Natsu wasn’t too much of a fan though. I had managed to get the house looking half way descent and the fridge finally had some food. I had some time to spare so I plopped down onto the couch and heard my phone buzz. I scrambled to take it out of my pocket. I grabbed it and typed in the passcode and saw the message was from Juvia.

From: Juvia Lockser

*Gray-sama <3 Juvia wanted to know if you could come to dinner with her. Juvia doesn’t feel too comfortable sitting by herself and wanted to know if Gray-sama would accompany her to this dinner, it starts in 30 minutes. Juvia is sorry if she is interrupting anything :p, and its fine if Gray –Sama doesn’t want to come.*


I hesitated before answering. I had promised Natsu a date tonight, but I also owed it to Juvia to be there for her. I groaned and texted her with a simple,” I will be there, I just need to tell Natsu real quick.” and clicked my phone off. I got dressed appropriately and paced around the living room, waiting for Natsu to get here.

“Yo Gray!” Natsu said as he slammed the door shut behind him. He was shivering, and like always kept with the same outfit as always. I am surprised he hasn’t frozen to death.  I needed to tell him about the change of plans quickly before he decides to guilt trips me into something or says something and then I feel obliged to stay, etc. etc. I waved to him and mentally prepared what I was going to say, I was still in a whirlwind from the earlier cleaning.

“Hey Natsu. Look can we put off this date till tomorrow morning? I told Juvia I would go with her to this dinner that she is worried about.”

He looked down at the ground and then looked back up at me. He seemed to be trying to calm down. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled. His eyes were full of confusion and pain, it was like a slap in the face to see him hurt like that.

“Why?” He asked blatantly.

It took me a minute to register what he said. His voice was muted, he seemed to blanch out of all pain.  Before I could say anything, he kept going.

“It’s always Juvia! It’s always “Oh yeah sorry but Juvia needs me.” What about me? I’m your boyfriend, I think I deserve a bit more time then what you are giving me!” He said obviously pissed off. I couldn’t blame him, he was right. I was always rushing off to go and help a friend out, or something else. The part he was exaggerating was not giving him enough time. Every time I wasn’t with someone helping them, I was with him.

“Ok so what? A friend needs me and that’s that. I am almost always with you doing crap together that I would normally hate but I put up with it because you like it. What about this, it’s always you, you, you! You’re a selfish bastard, and the times my friends need me you throw a fit like a two year old!” I said, my hand twitching in irritation.

“I’m done with bullshit! We are done! You are never there for me and you always blow it off like it’s not a big deal. You’re always so damn cold and distant. Good luck finding anybody else to put up with your sorry ass. See yah Ice Princess!” He spat out and then turned to leave.

I was way too agitated to come up with another nickname that would piss him off at the moment.  Natsu stomped off to the door and opened it, giving me one last dirty look.

“Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split yah.” I said blandly and some flames appeared around his clenched up fists. I snickered as he slammed the door shut, making the house rattle a bit.

I cleared my head and focused on making sure I was still ok and ready for going to dinner with Juvia. I had no idea what to expect, it was probably something stupid and nothing to worry about but it was important to her so I will go help her.

I walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face, and stared into the mirror, mentally exhausted. My mind wandered off to the argument we just had. I really shouldn’t have said what I did, we had a pretty good relationship going. I felt my stomach in a thousand knots, dread seeming to weigh it down. I had no idea what to expect now. I mean what I do now, it all seemed kinda of blurry. I cupped my hands under the cool water and threw it against my face in agitation. Water droplets flew everywhere. I shook off everything that had happened and grabbed the towel on the sink side and dried my face. I pulled out my phone and typed in the passcode. It made a little chirp and let me in. I opened my message box and texted Juvia.

To: Juvia Lockser

I’m on my way, see you in about 3 minutes.


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