Chapter 12

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Sleep didn't visit me all night long. My eyelids refused to become heavy as my brain didn't want to stop thinking. I stayed with Julia to console her and make her feel safe. She cried for almost two hours straight because of the bastard who raped her. The boss' words kept ringing in my head. I didn't understand what revenge was he talking about. We begged him a lot to explain everything to us clearly, but he did nothing. He just stormed outside the room and slammed the door shut behind him again. We never saw these people before. What would they want from us? Julia's light snoring reached my ears and warmed my heart. Finally, she could fall asleep after so much time of crying and sobbing. I felt so bad for her. She never liked to be touched by any stranger, let alone that someone just raped her. I knew how hard it was for her. I prayed that we could get out of this nasty place as soon as possible.

I helped Julia to lie on the floor, then covered her with one of the blankets so she wouldn't catch a cold. As I was going to sleep next to her, Josh's screams caught me off guard. I hastily ran to the other side of the room to check on him. He was screaming while sleeping as his face was so pale and sweaty.

"Josh! Wake up," I said, shaking his shoulders.

He suddenly snapped his eyes open and looked at me with a terrified expression.

"It's okay. It was just a nightmare," I assured him as I pushed his hair up off of his forehead.

"My throat is dry. I need some water," He gasped, lifting his weight on his elbows.

"You stay here and I'll go search for some water and be right back," I said, getting up from my place.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry about me."

"Okay, please take care and try not to get caught by anyone out there," Josh urged.

I slowly opened the door and peeked outside to make sure that there was no one near our room. Thankfully, the door wasn't locked. I crept outside to search for a kitchen or something. I prayed that nobody could see me out here. I tiptoed around the whole place, but found nothing. There were plenty of rooms here and there. My brain couldn't digest the fact that I would stay here for my whole life. Loud laughter came from inside one of the rooms which made me jump in my place. It sounded like the members of this cult were drinking and having dinner together. I tried my best to avoid that room as much as possible.

My eyes widened as soon as I spotted a bar counter at the end of the hall. I jogged towards it and made sure that I didn't make any noise. I didn't find anything but only alcoholic drinks. I grabbed a small glass and tried to fill it from the faucet. Yuck! The tap water here wasn't clear and it looked yellowish. I turned off the faucet and put the glass back on the counter furiously as I cursed under my breath. Where the hell did those creeps keep water? I opened the refrigerator and took a look inside it. As I expected, there was nothing but alcohol and a couple of cans. I checked them and realized that they were cans of orange juice. I quickly grabbed one and closed the refrigerator again. It was better than nothing.

As I was on my way to the room, a loud scream of a little kid and a woman made my body freeze. My heart felt heavy as my body felt numb. I couldn't move and the screams of the little poor kid made my eyes water.

My curiosity was killing me, so I followed the voice to see what was going on. The voice became closer and closer after every step I took towards one of the rooms. There was a large black door. I pressed my left ear against it to hear more clearly.

"No, please! I beg you! Leave him alone!" The woman wept.

I slowly opened the door and peeked into the room. A shiver ran down my spine as I saw a cultist torturing a little child in front of his mother's eyes, and cutting his little fingers. The woman was tied to a chair and couldn't save her son. Her clothes were torn and her hair was messy, and eyes were swollen from crying. Her screams echoed in my ears and I immediately pressed my right hand over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. I was so crestfallen after I had watched that horrible scene. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I closed the door again and rushed back to our room before anyone could see me out here.

I swung the door open and went inside our room. Josh was sitting on the floor as he wrapped his muscular arms around his thighs and pressed his forehead against his knees. He quickly lifted his head up to look at me as soon as I closed the door.

"Why were you late? I was so worried about you," He sighed.

"Sorry for this. I was searching for something to drink for you. I didn't find any water but I found this orange juice," I said, handing him the can of juice.

"It's okay. I just need something to moisten my throat," Josh replied before gulping down the whole can.

He seemed like he didn't drink anything for ages.

"Josh?" I whispered to get his attention back to me.


"I saw them torturing a kid in front of his mother's eyes outside. I want to get out of here before they do the same to us," I hissed.

"Don't worry, Sally. We aren't going to stay here for long. Trust me," He pulled me for a tight hug.

"I really hope so."

He rubbed my back up and down gently to comfort me as I buried my face more into his chest. I never imagined that I would feel that safe between his arms. He kept consoling and promising me that we would escape from here very soon until we both fell asleep.

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