New Beginning

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It was a hot, summer day. Milla was sat on the back seat of her dad's car, window rolled down, headphones on. She was looking at the long road and the rapidly changing scenery... She loved having her headphones on, it helped her tune out the world around her, and let her imagination go wild.

'hey do you hear me??? MILLLAAAA?' - her father shouted from the front seat.

He stopped sharply the car, which made me jump in my seat.

'Damn dad, what the hell????' I screamed snatching my headphones off...

' I am talking to you and you are again in your world. Can you please, please just pay some attention?'- he said angrily

' Off okay dad I really don't need this right now.' - I said snapping back at him. I know it has been a rough year for him, divorcing mom last year and Nan passing away last month. Took a tool on him, I am not the only one affected by these events.

'I am sorry pops, just daydreaming. I am sorry I should have been more present... How are you feeling coming back to your hometown? I know Nan passing was tough on you and from what you have told me Hawkins hasn't been the kindest to you in your youth?!' - I spoke softly

' I am okay, it is tough, but this is life. Nan left us the house and lets face it LA was too much, and...' - he stopped.

I swear the last year has made him look with 10 years older. I can see the lines on his face and the dark circles under his eyes. I decided to move on the front seat next to him, while I still had the chance. I sat down moving around some of the bags on the seat and gave my dad a big hug,

' I am sure it will be all fine pops. Smile...'- I told him reassuringly, while hugging him.

'Woof' - Moon, our 6 month old German Shepard agreed from the back seat.

I played the radio and we continued our journey. The scenery changing quickly around us within 1 hour we approached Nan's house.

The house looked old, the fence broken on places, the paint chipped, felt kinda gloomy, without my Nan sitting on the porch it felt depressing. Moon jumped out the car without waiting for us, enjoying the country side. I looked at dad and saw him tearing up.

'Hey dad, what you say once we put our stuff inside we go and get some tools and fix up the house?' I asked perky.

He looked at me in surprise.

'Are you sure? You really wanna do that?' he asked me unsure...

' Yeah I think it will be nice to fix the house and make it our own, honour Nan and return the beauty of your childhood home.' - I winked at him.

He looked at me and smiled. Grabbed a bag in each hand and headed to the doorstep. I took my backpack, two more bags and went to the house. Moon running behind me, he was glued to me 24/7, like a shadow.

'Come on boy, lets get inside..' - I tapped my leg and went in.


The next couple of days me and my dad finished most of the house, the fence was painted in white, the broken boards replaced, I planted some new flowers and fixed up the garden.

On the inside we repainted the walls in white. To my surprise dad let me choose what colours to use for my own room. The room was gorgeous, spacious with big Victorian window. I decided on black and white, cant go wrong right?!

After we were already moved in, dad decided it will be a good idea to get together with some old friends. He called his best friend Jim Hopper and the rest of the old gang to invite over.

I never seen dad so excited I have only heard of the gang, but never had the chance to meet them. He went to the shop in town to get some party food, beer, wine and other bits and pieces. I took the opportunity to shower and prepare. standing in front of my wardrobe I kept going between two outfits... Black denim skirt and white t-shirt or the favourite mom jeans and the white lace top.

'Okay Moon, I think the jeans with the lace top will look cute and more presentable what do you think?' I looked at him stretching on my bed.

' I will take that as a yes' - I laughed and quickly got changed. brushed my hair and styled it slightly, put some red lipstick and mascara on.

' I guess that will do for the time being.' - I smiled to myself looking at the mirror.

I ran downstairs when I heard dad coming through the door.

'Let me help you with that, I will start setting up the table and you please go and clean yourself up. they will be here soon. ' - I squeaked with excitement.

Running around the kitchen I finally put the last of the glasses on the table when I heard a knock on the door.

I ran to greet our guests. On the door was the whole gang Hooper, Joyce Buyers with her two sons, Karen Wheeler with her daughter and son.

'Hello, everyone. I am Milla. Nice to meet you!' - I said with a smile. My palms felt sweaty and my heart felt like it will jump out of my chest. But I put on my brave face and sucked it up. - 'Dad will be down in a minute. Come on in!'

'Goodness me, you are a copy of your mom. A spitting image I would say. Last I saw you, you were so tiny.' Hopper said, pulling me in a big embrace.

'I agree... Sorry about your Nan, Milla. My deepest condolences. These are my boys Jonathan and Will.' - Joyce said gently.

'Hey I am Nancy and this is my brother Mike. Nice to meet you Milla.' - Nancy extended her hand to me. At first looking at her I wasn't too sure we will get along much, she seemed very uptight, but the night showed me that she is much more than a smarty pants, bossing everyone else around.

Finally my dad came down and long night of reminiscing began. After we ate , Nancy and I ran up to my room as quickly as possible. She was not very impressed by the black wall in my room, but was fascinated by my record player, vinyl and bookshelf. She ran her finger across the backs of the books readding out loud their titles.

'So I take it you like books as well, huh?' - I said to her while looking for the perfect album to play.

'Yeah, I do. You know I am part of the Hawkins High Newspaper. Can't wait to go back and scoop the latest news after the summer holiday. You are going to be in Year 12. Am I correct?' - She turned around to look at me.

' Yeah, kinda looking forward to starting school and at the same time I feel like I will shit myself. I....' - god it was hard getting my words out. - ' I am looking forward to it. I hope I fit in you know.'

'I am sure you will. And you already made 4 new friends'

She laughed. - I am sure all will be fine, if you need us,me and Johnathan will be in the newspaper room or the red room and Will and Mike are mostly hanging in the Hellfire Club, with the older kids.'

'Hellfire club?' I looked at her puzzled.

'Yeah it is the School's D&D club. The boys are obsessed with it, it is role play game they play all the time.' - Nancy

'D&D? Isn't that Dungeon and Dragons? I had a few friends back in LA that loved playing it.'

'Yeah, see you gonna make even more friends for sure with the Hellfire Club. Though If I were you I would stay away from Eddie and his click. Or don't. This is my personal opinion.' Nancy said winking at me.

Like that the night rolled and close to midnight everyone was getting ready to go home.

Once everyone left I could feel how tired I really was. Dad nodded off on the couch and I took the opportunity to clean up, before heading up to sleep.

The next couple of days went by so quickly. I went to the mall with Nancy and Jonathan. Bought some new clothes, had ice cream at Scoops Ahoy. Damn these were delicious. Nancy gave me a brief update of what is to expect next week when school is starting. I could feel the nerves building up. Being the new kid was never easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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