Strickler officially turns good?

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3rd POV:
A/n: pretend Eli's score is Sky's score

Toby and Sky were looking at the scores and their mouths dropped

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Toby and Sky were looking at the scores and their mouths dropped. Aaarrrgghh's score was 809790353!

"Aaarrrgghh plays this a lot more than he admits." Toby said

As if on que, Aaarrrgghh walked in. The two teens turned to him.

"Aaarrrgghh how is your score so high? Are you playing day and night?" Toby asked

"Uh... Maybe?" Aaarrrgghh sheepishly answered

"Dude! That's supposed to be our thing." Sky complained

"Get bored at night, play Go-Go Sushi while wingman sleeping." Aaarrrgghh explained

"Yeah that makes sense, trolls don't need nearly as much sleep as humans." Toby said matter-of-factly

"Still mad?" Aaarrrgghh asked, ears drooped

"I was never mad, buddy. It's more shocked than anything. Your score is like the world record!" Toby explained

"World record?" Sky and Aaarrrgghh asked

Toby pulled out his phone and went to the search engine and clicked the mic.

"What's the highest score for Go-Go Sushi?" He asked into the mic

"The highest known score is 998436, player name: Rever. Last updated: three days ago." The search engine answered

"No one knows about Aaarrrgghh's score." Sky said

"Hey Aaarrrgghh you wanna be the Go-Go Sushi champion?" Toby asked with excitement

"Play Go-Go Sushi for fun, not competition." Aaarrrgghh said

"The brute has a point, Toby." A voice said from behind them

"Strickler?" Sky and Toby asked, confused

Aaarrrgghh gave a warning growl and brought the two teens closer, not trusting the changeling.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight. I was going to ask if I could learn how to be one of the good guys from the fallen GummGumm." Strickler explained

"Don't trust you. Earn trust first." Aaarrrgghh said

"Fair point, I did work for Gunmar, after all." Strickler said

"Wait 'did'? You don't work for the GummGumms anymore?" Toby asked

"Gunmar wants to kill the people I have come to care about. He doesn't give anyone any respect. Namora and I agreed to stop serving someone who doesn't even respect us." Strickler explained

"Hm. Will give chance. Hurt anybody, I kill you." Aaarrrgghh said

"Fair enough. But what if it's by accident?" Strickler asked

"Prove it's accident, won't kill you. Earn trust, won't be so hostile to you." Aaarrrgghh answered

"Geez what did strickler do to make Aaarrrgghh so...angry?" Sky asked

"He tried to kill Jim multiple times and worked for Gunmar. Not to mention he put a binding spell on Dr. Lake which would have cost her life if Vendel hadn't broken the spell." Toby explained with a deadpanned expression

Sky just looked at Toby with wide eyes and said "Ah. I see."

"And I regret those things." Strickler admitted

"Don't smell lie. Changeling telling truth." Aaarrrgghh told the two teens

"Wait you can smell when someone lies?!" Toby asked

Aaarrrgghh nodded. "Know when wingman and buddy lie too, always say 'im fine' or 'nothing' when Aaarrrgghh ask if something's wrong or if you're okay. Can smell it, and hear it in voice."

"But if you know when we're lying why do you act like you believe us?" Sky asked

"Figure out what's wrong so can help." Aaarrrgghh explains

"You're smarter than I thought, Aaarrrgghh." Strickler admitted

Aaarrrgghh glared at him as if to say "shut up" which worked, Strickler put his hands up and took a step back.

Strickler managed to muster a half hearted apology "Uh- sorry."

Aaarrrgghh just rolled his eyes and turned around, handing Sky and Toby their controllers. He pressed the play button and started playing Go-Go Sushi again.

"I'll just go, I hope to see you at your first day of summer school, Mr. Domzalski and Mx. Lake." Strickler said as he walked out of the boy's room

(A/n: 'Mx.' Is a non binary pronoun.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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