Chapter 1

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You were heading with your mother in the lab. Apparently, two dangerous individuals had been caught, coming from another multivers. You stepped into the room, and looked at them. One of them was Dr.Strange, but he was a bit different from the one you had known. The other was a girl, younger, with black hair. Either you hadn't met her here because she was unimportant in your world, or she was dead.

"Mordo caught them. That girl" explains your mother while pointing at the girl "can apparenty travel between multiverses."
"That's interesting" you said at the girl

You walked over to her to introduce yourself

"Hey! I'm Y/N Palmer, I'm 14."
She stared at you skeptically but ended up introducing herself to you too. "Hey...  I'm America Chavez, I'm also 14."

It was weird having to talk to her through the carbon cube, but you continued anyway.

"Oh so we're the same age! By the way, do you speak Spanish?" you excitedly asked since her last name sounded Mexican
"Yeah!" she replied excitedly in Spanish (also, I'll make everything that's in Spanish bold)
"We should talk in Spanish so that the others don't understand" you replied
"Good idea! Do you know when I can get out of here? Me and my friend over there," she says pointing at her Strange "kinda need to stop an evil witch from killing me just so she can have her non existing kids back."
"That's a lot of info, I'll go ask my mother"

You walked back to your mom, and explained to her what America had just explained to you.

"Unfortunately, they might have diseases we might not have cured yet, so they need to stay here."

After that, they took the Doctor Strange away, and the 3 of you were left alone. That was until a redheaded woman was coming forward.

"FUCK!" yelled Chavez "THAT'S HER! Please, you have to let me out!"

Your mother started the opening process, but the lady was getting closer. The Illuminati tried to stop her, but she wiped them out.
America blasted open the glass, and the Dr.Strange came back, and temporarly blocked the redhead.

"Her name's Wanda" explains Doctor Strange "She wants America's power so that she can ravel to a multivers where she has her kids back. Except to do that, she has to kill her. We need the book of Nishanti to stop her."
"Why should I trust you?" asked your mother " How do I know you aren't going to betray us?
"I think we can trust them." you told her you looked back at America "They seem genuinely worried."
"Fine. But I'll be keeping my eye on you" she says suspiciously, and removes Strange's cuffs.

You ran to the place other Strange had hid the passageway to the book. During that time, Wanda kept on chasing you, often very close to getting you four.

Finally, you got there. Strange used the watch his world's Christine had gave him to unlock it. Even though you were in mortal danger, you couldn't help but admire the fabulous scenery. The book was on a platform in the middle of it all.

I'll love you everywhere - America Chavez x Y/N (fem)Where stories live. Discover now