Chapter 5

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"Your results are back."
"Ok, how'd I do?"
"You got a 90"
"Well, that means I can go back, right?"
"Not quite. Since you stayed there for a year, I'll remove 1 point."
"Wait what-"
"So, you're going to have to stay here for another year to study."
"No, I have to go back!"
"You just WANT to go back."

She left the room you were in, and many workers brought you your daily things over the week: food, books, ect.
You missed the small, cozy room at Kamar-Taj, you missed the laughs you had with other students, the private lessons with Strange and Wong, but most of all, you missed America Chavez.
You cried a lot during the time in you home world. Your mother tried to comfort you and ask you what was wrong but yo pushed her away. She had caused this.
After a few weeks  of this hell, you couldn't take it anymore. You asked for meat for dinner, which meant they had to bring you a sharp meat-cutting knife for you to eat with. Once they left, you quickly ate, and went to your bathroom with the knife. You sliced through your right forearm and blood started to gush out of it. After a few seconds, you felt dizzy and fainted of blood loss.
You woke up in a hospital room, with a blue hospital gown on and bandages wrapped over the arm you had cut.

"Oh my gosh Y/N, why did you do this?" said you mom, running over
"I'm tired of being here."
"That doesn't mean you should ALMOST DIE" she yelled, almost hysterically
"Honestly, I'd rather die than never see her again."
"See who?"
"My fucking girlfriend. America."
"You're dating that girl?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
"We have to keep you here."

You turned around on her, not wanting to hear or see her at all. She left quietly after that. Suddenly, a star shaped portal appeared on the left side of your room. Out of it came America, with Wong.

"America!!" you said
"Y/N! We finally found you! I'm so sorry it took so long."
"It's ok, you still found me love."
"If you two are done flirting, we have a lady to save." said Wong, annoyed

You quickly got up, wrote a note for if anyone came in, but you didn't have the time to finish it, as your mother appeared with 2 of their robots with them.

"Trying to get away, eh?" she sneered "I don't think so. Stop them!"

You quickly ran through the portal, and America closed it. Your mother and one of the robots got through though. 

"Fuck, she followed" you told Wong

One of the robots tried to attack America but Wong cut him in two.

"What should we do now?" asked a panicked America
"You take Y/N back to your room. I'll talk with her." he responded

She took your arm around her and led you back to the room. Before she could ask you anything, you kissed her on the lips.

"Man" she said, after the kiss "I missed this"
"So did I love"
"So what happened?"

You explained everything your mother had put you through, the weeks of non stop work, confinement, and not being able to see the outside world.

"That sounds horrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that"
"It's ok, I got through. And now, I'm back with you"
"That still doesn't explain the arm though"

You were unsure whether you should tell her, but you decide to do so, as she was your girlfriend, and you trusted her more than anyone else.

"The day before you arrived, I used a meat knife to cut open my arm. I didn't think you would come looking for me, and I preferred dying than never seeing you again..."

It was obvious she didn't know what to say, and you understood.

"It's, ok you don't have to say anything." you say, bringing her in for a hug.
"I want to help. Please, don't forget that I'll always think of you. I'll always look for you, and be here for you."

I'll love you everywhere - America Chavez x Y/N (fem)Where stories live. Discover now