Chapter 1

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Vince's P.O.V -

After the show, I argue with the band mates in a drunken stupor, after having nearly a whole bottle of whiskey, I was very drunk that night.

"You guys fucking sucked out there, I was the only one genuinely trying entertain the crowd out there."

The drummer barked back in response,

"You were the one who was drunk off of your fucking ass the entire damn time, you need serious fucking help dude."

I barked back in a drunken, and slurred speech,

"You expect me to take on this entire bands responsibilities and to not drink or do any sort of drug for relief at all? You're fucking insane dude, fuck all of you guys!"

They all shouted at me in seperate responses as I stomped out of the dressing room,

"Go cry to your mother about it you fucking wuss!"

"You're nothing without us you fucking worthless scum!"

"Go waste your worthless life away, hiding your life in drugs and alcohol, nothing can hide you from the fact that you're the reason your mother killed herself with drugs!"

As I hear all of them shouting at me, I turn around and pick up my guitar, to attempt to attack them, but I suddenly realized they weren't fixated on me, they were fixated on someone or something behind me.

Unknown Entity's P.O.V-

Going in for my attack, I notice the rest of this drunken idiot's band mates fixated on me. From what I know, these people have some issues, especially the lead guitarist, what a bunch of assholes.
I'm going in for the swing, and I miss. Next thing I know is were both standing there, staring at
eachother. After a few moments of silence and shock he grabs his guitar from his side, and I'm raising my bat, getting prepared to swing. Little did either of us know, we would both swing at the same time and manage to kill eachother instantly on impact.

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