Chapter 6 - Plan B

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I was so happy the weekend was over. A lot of things happened and I still haven't gotten over what I did on Friday. Luckily I came to my senses before anything could happen but I still felt bad. Luckily, Jermaine knows me well enough to know that I was calling out of a depressive state. We did end up talking. I cried and he held me. I'm happy that was all. I couldn't have lived with the repercussions of sleeping with him again.

"Dr. Jackson. Janet!" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry, Toni. I zoned out for a minute there." Toni and I were in the middle of her first tutor session. I was expecting it to be harder but she's grasping the information really well. Makes me wonder why she was asking for help in the first place.

"It's fine. What you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Let's get back to work." I pulled out another question. "What is the author saying in this passage?"

"He is saying that we are all the same based on our knowledge."

"No. Try again."

"Uhh he's saying that we're all the same when it comes to knowledge." Why is she so far off all of a sudden?

"No, sweetie. He is saying that in complete darkness we are the same but it is our knowledge and experience that separates us."

"Okay. Okay. Let me write that down." She wrote what I said in her notebook. "Okay. What's next?"

"Let's see. I read over your rough draft for this week's essay and made some suggestions. How about you work on them and I'll look over it." She nodded and got to work. As she did that, I examined her. The thoughts I had on Friday came back. I looked down at her pants. There was an obvious print. Big too. Wow. Very big.

A wave came over me as I looked her over. She's tall and muscular. Probably lifts weights a lot. What the hell am I thinking? This is my student. My very sexy student. Who seems to have a very big penis. Probably knows how to use it too. Oh my god. Janet, stop! Oh but I can't. She's so sexy. I've never noticed it before. Okay that's it, get back focused.

"Alright, I'm done." She handed me her paper and I read it over. It was perfect. See, this just confuses me more. How is she not able to understand the passages but is able to write such amazing papers? She obviously has a good grasp on the readings. Why is she here?

Out the corner of my eye, I caught her looking at me. I made sure she didn't notice I was looking. She was scanning my body and biting her lip. Oh crap. That's why she's here. Great. Another person trying to get to me for my body. My heart dropped. I thought I was making a difference.

"Your paper is good." I handed it back to her. She smiled.

"Great. I wasn't expecting your help to pay off this fast."

"Me either but hey you're a great student."


"So, I feel like this is a good stopping point. We'll pick up from here on Wednesday."

"Great." I cleaned up my things and put them in my bag. I turned back to her.

"Good job today Toni. See you Wednesday."

"Bye." I watched as she left. The way she walked clearly gave away the fact that she had a penis. I grabbed my bag and purse and headed to my car. I was meeting Shawn and Gil for dinner. Pulling out, I headed to our favorite restaurant. Once I pulled in, I saw Gil outside waiting for me.

"Wassup, sexy?" He greeted me. "Oh look at that ass. Girl you showing out." I blushed.

"Gil stop."

"Whatever, babymomma. Let's go. Shawn already has a table for us." We went in and headed to Shawn. She had gotten our favorite spot in the back.

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